
Have you ever been rude to someone when your drunk and then felt really bad?

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I was drunk and some person started shoving a jesus loves you flyer at me. I was totally pre-occupied and tossed it back at them and walked off. I kind of feel mean but will never see them again. How could I redeem myself. Also I disagree with people pushing their religions




  1. pray and ask god to for give you and go on with your life.

    we all have been thought this i have many of time.

  2. the person has probably seen this and worse many times before if he preaches to drunk people, they will just learn to accept it, secondly it may teach you of the dangers of alcohol and you may consider cutting down as you will probably just do something like it in the future again.

  3. I have never done what you stated.  Also, a person giving you a handout is not shoving religion on you.  You could have been polite and said no thanks.  If they refuse to take it back, drop it.

  4. Make up your mind to learn from the experience and don't do it again as it obviously upset you and thats not good  :(

  5. Its easy to do things like that when you're drunk...basically, I think when we're drunk, we literally do or say the first thing that comes to mind when it comes to people, rather than having a bit of control that we normally would - comes with the whole territory of losing ones inhibitions!

    Normally you'd think it's rude and that thought would stop you doing that - but when drunk, it's your first, automatic reaction - "not interested" - so you just do that...

    I think really the only thing you can do is to say sorry to the person IF you do see them again, otherwise, think to yourself "well, I didn't mean to but I was drunk and I did it. I'll (try) not to next time" and forgive yourself - you'll only feel bad beating yourself up about it.

    Also, this is harsh, but I believe people who are willing to stand on the street and push religion or products or anything need to be willing to face being told no or having things rejected - and although the vast majority like you or me would just say "no, thanks" normally - I'll bet anything they've had worse or been told where to shove what you did was probably pretty minor, really!

    I also agree...I'm all for people having religious choice but I don't like it being pushed onto others...same for any cause or belief - vegetarianism, politics, teetotalisers, etc.  

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