
Have you ever been scared to drive after an accident?

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We are having a MAJOR snowstorm here in New York...and upon driving home from work, the roads were icy, dangerous and snow-covered and I was hit from behind upon stopping at a traffic light. This vehicle had been following me pretty closely for about 10 miles wanting me to go beyond the speed I was going. Visibility was very limited and I felt my own safety was more important than this person tailgating me. She was not paying attention to my brake lights and hit me pretty hard.

Anyways, has anyone ever felt terrified to drive after an accident? I feel strangely uneasy and pretty p*ssed off at the same time...




  1. I haven't had and accident yet, thankfully, but I've come close, and yeah, I was scared after that.

  2. I was afraid to even ride after I was in a wreck.  I got over it pretty soon.  I think the key is to keep on.  Even if your scared push through it and you will be fine.  I was in a tornado and now thats something that still terrifies me.. Wind and bad weather.  Im sure you will be ok soon though.

  3. If you are not comfortable driving, PLEASE DON'T! Being too cautious CAN be just a dangerous as  speeding.

  4. yes...I was rear ended when i was 8 months pregnant not only was i terrified about the baby being injured i had to go to several extra Dr. appt's. to make sure everything was OK. i think it is rude to tailgate in any weather people should either back off or wait to pass safely.

  5. oh yeah.TERRIFIED!!!!!

  6. yes i have been scared to drive after an accident , but , i think the best thing to do is to try and get behind the wheel as soon as you can after the accident. the longer you wait the more scared you may get.   i once had it wait almost 3 weeks to drive after a accident and that was worse then when i could drive again the next day. you are right to slow down and keep safety in mind. good luck.and dont be afraid to talk to someone about being scared. might be easier to have someone go with you you the first time out

  7. For a period of a few years people were always running into me so I did get a little nervous.  Then a lady crossed the line and hit me head on.  I had nightmares for months, some were of car accidents but most were of horrible creatures and demons and some of the most evil things imaginable.  Because of the injuries it was a year before I could drive again.  But once I did get to drive I can't count the number of times I actually stopped very quickly in my lane when I saw someone coming towards me and their tires touching the yellow line.  It took quite some time before I got over it.  

    I remember seeing the car come into my lane and then the impact (the witness behind me told the state police that the rear of my car went into the air about 4 feet), but even afterwords I hurt all over really bad but I was so mad...I managed to get out of my car and I began walking over to the other car because I was going to kill the other driver but when I got there (because this happened right in front of a medical clinic) a doctor had just come out of her car and told me she had died in the crash.  Good thing because I was going over there to kill her!  I was mad, it took 4 EMT's to hold me down, once I was on stretcher I started fading in and out of consciousness.  It will take time for you to get over this and unfortunately there are plenty of tailgaters out there, just try to keep a cushioned distance between you and the car in front of you because you may be able to escape the next one should you see someone not slowing down when you're stopped.

  8. I was so much more careful and i was scared i would have to go through more pain if i had injuries.

  9. I drifted before and crashed into a yard n didn't wear my seatbelt but ever since that, I wear my seatbelt EVERYTIME I get into a car...It's like a thing I never forget now. I also hit a guy trying to go around him. He didn't have his blinker to turn left n when I was driving up he turned left n I hit him...yea I got a lil scared but no, I don't feel terrified.

  10. Its a terrifying experience. Start slow. Drive around a small subdivision or a parking lot after hours. It will get you in the hang of the car again. After a while you could start driving on small back roads to get used to cars and eventually work your way to bigger streets. Its completely normal to be scared after a bad accident. But you cant live the rest of your life in fear. Driving is a big part of life and without it you wont get too far in life. Im glad you're alright! Take care!

  11. of course, it's normal!

    even if you weren't driving, it's human nature to feel this way after a tragic event...

    it is scary, it will get better though

  12. Let me tell you something....

    About 4 years ago, I was almost hit by this other car, but thankfull they steered away to the other lane. It was one of the most scariest moments in my life, I could of died that day.

    After that, I could'nt drive for 4 years! Everyone asked me how come I stopped driving but I just said I didn't like it anymore...and I know I should'nt stop and keep going, but it has left me of a phobia of driving...

    I just saw an accident today where a guy was hit pretty bad, and I was so scared...

    The thing I do'nt like about this is that I can be as careful as I want, but it doesn't mean the other people around me are careful...because I can be the most safest driver and get hit by a drunk driver...and it will cost both of our lives...and I don't want that to happen.

    Perhaps one day I will get over this phobia. I'm better now, but I really am scared.

  13. yeah , i was terrified for a few days

  14. Yes, everyone is more cautious after being in an accident.  Don't give up driving, it will get better in time.

  15. i still have bad thoughts and don't want to drive.

    Last summer i had a kid on a bike fly out on the road infront of me and i hit him,  luckily it wasn't too bad, he just had a brused knee,  but i had so many older ladys yelling and going crazy lol,  and then the police, firetruck and ambulances came,  was so horrible.  Wasn't my fault but still,  who know's whats going to happen

  16. I had a truck back over my car at a drive through.  I guess he wanted to get out of the long line. What made it worse is that he was an off duty sherrif's deputy. Police wouldn't attend because it was on private property.  What made it worse, is that he told his insurance company that I ran into him while he was trying to park.  Any how,  I and my daughter who was in the car were afraid for a long time after.  It made us more aware of other drivers which is good for me.  In fact, it made me pay attention more to other drivers.  The same thing almost happened again in a grocery parking lot to me.  A bystander had to yell at the person to stop backing up and I had to lay on my horn to get them to stop backing up!

    My daughter to this day is still frightened.  I think you can experience a form of PTSD from accidents when they are tramatic enough for you.

    It will help to talk to someone about your feelings.

  17. Honey, just today I went to pick my kitten up from the vet. She has been at their hospital for over a week.

    Anyway, on the way home, traffic STOPPED. I have good reflexes and am VERY careful on highways, so I halted before I hit the car in front of me. I tried to halt in a way to give the car behind me room. But the lady behind me was on a CELL PHONE. She totally hit me, bumped me forward and I hit the car in front of me! The car in front of me left, and I KNEW I was going to get hit by this lady behind me. I braced for it. My poor cat had diarrhea all over itself! I felt so scared after that, and I parked safely, got out of the car...seemed like my car suffered no damage strangely. But the lady behind was STILL on the cell phone. Talking. Ignoring that I was outside trying to ask if she was okay. Totally ignored me. I went behind her, saw an African-American lady crying...I asked her if she was okay, and she had a baby on the front seat! The baby was crying. Man, I felt horrible. I felt like, adrenaline was pumping all over me. I even got terribly lost on the way home. I am not familiar with this state. I got so lost, and panicked, and panicked even more when this car changed lanes to the lane I was merging into! And earlier today, a white van at PetSmart almost hit me! And he had the NERVE To honk at me!So very close, inches away.

    So needless to I feel afraid of driving. I still feel uneasy and wonder what could have happened had I done some stupid maneuver because of my sudden freak-out episode. I'm also PISSED OFF at the stupid lady. I drove away, I had to take my kitten home. She's been on her deathbed, and my car seemed okay. But yea, I feel like you. Angry. Jittery. Uneasy. Maybe you keep thinking about's awful. I'm sorry that happened to you! See, and the lady on the cell phone behind me was following closely too! I have never been in an 'accident' or anything. So I'm not even sure what to do....anyways, within a week, hopefully you feel better. You'll probably just be even MORE paranoid driving than you already are....I know this, because I'm a very paranoid and careful driver myself!

    Good luck, honey. Sorry about the bad events of the day. I know exactly how you feel...I just feel happy and blessed to be safe, and that my kitten is safe, and that my car did not have damage.

    Take care.

  18. Yes and for awhile I didn't drive and was still nervous just riding with others.  It got better and it did take time.  I took it easy at first and just limited myself to short distances and in two days it was over.  Will pray you feel safe, are safe and all those around you drive safe.  Forgive the woman who hit you, "you will heal better if you let go of the bitter."

  19. dont worry whe have all felt like that after any accydent continue driving always whit coution becouse frozen streets are unpredictable people trust allot in there snow tires or chains and drive carless of others and ery important never jump out of your behicle or try stoping flynstone style whit a foot out the door you might get seriusly injured or killed.

    good times

  20. Haven't felt terrified, but I definately am overly cautious after an accident.  I'm also paranoid after getting a ticket for awhile and drive just the speed limit.

  21. Yes it's natural to feel that way, but it goes away over time.

  22. Sure everyone has this same felling and those that say that they dont are flat out lying.

  23. I had an accident 14 years ago, I was going 80 mph, when I noticed traffic STOPPED on the highway, there was a truck following my very close, I changed lanes to slow down, the jerk, followed me, not noticing the stopped traffic, I went on the shoulder of the road, he followed, i went in to the grass, and finally had to stop to not hit a bridge pillar, he kept coming! It totalled my car and his truck, (we passed at least 10 cars that were stopped and we were in the grass!) When I got out of my car, I stumbled to his truck and he called me every naughty curse word he could think of!!! He cursed at me for him running in to me! Anyway, I am freaked out still today. It does not matter who is driving, I get very nervous, and when we are in a major city (Dallas, Houston) I cry the whole time and have a complete meltdown! And yes, it pisses me off some jerk has completely screwed me up!

  24. oh yes, I've been in an accident and I didn't want to drive for a long time after that. but, like someone else said, you get over that feeling.

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