
Have you ever been sexually harassed or stalked online?

by  |  earlier

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Men or Women...share your experiences.

How did you stop it, if it has been stopped?




  1. nah

  2. Yes. Someone found out where I lived. I don't think he ever did anything with that information, but it still freaked me out. I just cut my losses with him.

  3. Harassed, but that happens to everyone I suppose.  

  4. Yes...I pickup my Ignore .45 and fire away.

  5. yeh some boys keep doing it

    one kept getting in my way every time i was on my way to school

    he would just stand there and if i moved to the other side to walk pass he would do the same

    touched my butt and i slapped his face

    stalked online? i hope not

    answer mine plz

  6. Yes, I have been stalked by few individuals. Two I had met in Yahoo Games a few years ago, one was just obsessive with the e-mails and IMs and would not stop even after I asked the person to, the other had hacked into my computer, my brother had found out when I suspected something was fishy and asked him to look into it.

    On Answers, I've only had one, thankfully it's easy to simply block stalkers from one's contacts, as long as they do not have one's e-mail add or other personal info.

  7. Yeah, I GET OFF THE INTERNET! Jesus Christ, I've never seen so much uproar about nothing.


    Quit harrassing me with your thumbs down.

  8. YES, but I forgive you both.

  9. I had a mild case of stalking earlier this year on this website.  It wasn't sexual though, somebody didn't like what I posted on one of their questions and went to mine and harassed me there.  That's why mine are private now.  

    It probably would've gone on longer, but she got deleted.

    I've faced some harassment online, but not sexual harassment, just basic harassment.

  10. no, unfortunately

  11. Not online, but offline.

  12. Yes! :/ I have a lot of online friends, and all of them know what city/town I live in (not my address or anything). A guy I met through a game used to pursue me almost obsessively, and came to my town to look for me! I changed all my usernames and everything after that. It freaked me out a great deal that someone would go through such lengths.  

  13. Not personally, but a close friend had someone start tracking her online.  She was just a kid and she gave out information that let the person find her.  They called her once they got her info, and then letters started.  The guy turned out lots older.  Her parent go restraining orders and stuff but she ended up having to change schools cause he went to her school and life with her aunt until he finnally got caught and they sent him to jail.  She is still scared all the time.  I didnt think this stuff really was real until then.

  14. Nope.  

  15. Yes, I have. In the past, I have gotten multiple messages/friend requests on Myspace or Facebook that could qualify under harassment. Also, I have gotten people who somehow got my AIM screenname. I usually just reported them to the appropriate authorities or services, or just blocked them. I made both my Facebook and Myspace profile private.

  16. Yeah, someone keeps sending me sexual invitations via e-mail. I just Delete.

  17. Yes, today in my mail I received this.  I don't know why or what it was a reply to.  I am not a tramp.  I am a lady who tries to see everyone's point of view and be fair and good to all people.  I am someone's daughter, I am someone's mom, one of my son's killed himself earlier this year because of physical pain from a bad back operation, another has served two terms in Iraq.  I lost a grandchild late last year who was stillborn.  I am a mom and a grandma.  Yeah, The Lady is my friend, we have a lot in common.  

    I am not even a feminist and I live in a committed relationship with a good man.  So, harass me, go ahead, I have been beaten and abused before and I survived and I will survive you too,

    "Hello Mystery Lover

    You have received a message from another user!

    From: H S

    IM hannibalsmith66

    Subject: nice going

    Message: Hmmmm..... Another feminist tramp.. you are shameless confessing in a forum that you engage in sexual relations..... with men, a lot.... As opposed to having a relationship with 1 man we must assume...... Broads like you should never be permitted to reproduce or enjoy a man's penetrating p***s.. ya PIG.

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  18. Yes, by this one guy on YouTube who wouldn't stop leaving nasty comments about what he'd like to "do" to me and sending me abusive PMs.

    I flagged his chanel and  blocked him from contacting me.

  19. Only once harassed, but it was of a non-sexual nature and only lasted a few days.  Am thankful that it didn't become serious.

    Omg, my thumbs-down stalker, I forgot about him/her.

    I will find out who you are one day you know.  I have my ways. bwhahaha.

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