
Have you ever been so sleepy that you was at a stop sign waiting for it to turn green?

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Have you ever been so sleepy that you was at a stop sign waiting for it to turn green?




  1. Many years ago, I used to have that problem and, with nodding off while driving.

    Luckily, I was diagnosed with sleep apnea.  Since I have been receiving treatment for it, I haven't had that problem at all.  Other good driving habits also help, such as taking breaks every couple of hour on a long trip, and, avoiding stimulants like coffee, which tend to make the body "crash" all the harder when the effects wear off.

    Chewing gum and listening to talk radio also help to combat highway fatigue.

  2. No.  If you are that sleepy, you are legally impaired, just as if you were drunk or on drugs.

  3. one time i was so sleepy i was actually hulusilating

    i thought my wii game station was a piece of vanilla cake before i went to go eat it dad came  

  4. i know they take a long time but quite frankly if you are that tired you should not be driving.

  5. Not so far and I don't plan on doing it as well.

  6. No.  Sounds like you should stay off the raod when you feel that your that tired.  Think safety.  Yours and others as well.

  7. No, but a couple of time's I've started to take off when my light was red, but the lane next to me (ex: the center turn lane on my left) turned green. Seems like every time that happens, I can't be alone. There has to be someone else in the car with me to witness it. Therefore, I have to be embarrassed.

  8. Actually yes.....that kind of sad..

    Or have u ever been at a green light stopped. and waited till it turned green.

    I felt dumb as h**l my gf was with me

  9. No. At least, not yet...

    There were times when I was on shift on the ambulance that I would be so tired after being up for 24 hours straight through that I would take a nap at the station before driving home.

    If I'm ever that tired, I'll pull over and sleep in my truck.


  10. no, though i did go left on red at a stoplight. during work, for a city government (seasonal parks guy), from the place police cars stop for gas. of course, i say awake enough to look both ways and ascertain that nobody was anywhere near me, but still...

  11. no

  12. I have sleep apnea .It happened 4 years ago .After 50 years of driving including 25 years as an Instructor  . I knew it was time  to get a bus pass . Went to dmv next day  Dont regret it

  13. If I ever even get close to being that sleepy, I stop and have a nap. That's just as bad as driving drunk.

  14. no, but i've been stuck in traffic so long that the driver of the car behind me woke me up to tell me that the car in front of me had already moved. =P

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