
Have you ever been speechless with shock?

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Have you ever been speechless with shock?




  1. Yeah, once. And I hope to never get that close to a flying saucer again.

  2. Absolutely Yes

  3. Yes--when I was given very bad news...

  4. Yes, when I arrived home one day and found that my little dog named Phoebe managed to get her 5 pounds of dog food

    from the kitchen to the living room, and didn't bark when I came in, She was on her back in her cushioned do bed with all four feet in the air and her stomach was huge.

    I couldn't be angry with her, she was so darn cute.

  5. yes

  6. yes, upon receiving bad news.

  7. Yes, once a guy I was dating told me he loved me, I was so taken off guard I couldn't speak at all for a bit. It made him feel stupid, but I just literally could not talk.

  8. I was speechless with shock when Jane McGrath loss her battle with Cancer. I am shore I wasn't the only Australian who was speechless... All of us believed she would beat it :(

  9. Only once that I can recall ! This was the Funeral of my late Maternal Grandmother ! This was at the Surrey & Sussex Crematorium on the Balcombe Road at Tinsley Green near to Crawley, West Sussex on Tuesday 6th February 1990 ! During the Funeral Service when we went to sing Psalm 23 'The Lord is My Shepherd' & I ended up breaking down in tears & crying so much & I had a 'lump' in my throat that I could not sing at all ! After the Committal, we all walked outside to look at the Floral Tributes. I was still crying heavily & because of my tears I was unable to see the Cards on the Floral Tributes to be able to read them & to see from whom each of the individual Floral Tributes had come from !

  10. Not once.

    Not ever no.

  11. Only once, and only for about an hour.

    It was when someone sent an email attachment to me with that American civil worker in Iraq, being beheaded in the Jihad video.  His muffled screams as they cut in and the gurgleing, then the chopping through the spinal cord.  

    I couldn't actually do anything for about an hour while I processed what I just saw.  I think though that it had the opposite effect than what was intended, as it didn't strike fear into me, it just steeled my reslove that everyone of them MFers needs to be rooted out and exterminated, like the cockroaches they are.  As a result I feel no pity or sympathy for those rats in Gitmo, they can all rot and die there for all I care.

  12. No.

    Don't think so.

    Only at loss and blurr.

    On what the creeps were doing in creeping out from the graveyards of failures and horrors of the past.

    Doing a strip-tease show.

    With empty skeleton of skull and bones with two empty eye sockets in town.

    While the viewers were climbing up the coconut trees and still look green with lost sense of direction and purpose of life

    without being aware they were in "Planet of Apes"

    Luke 6.39-40,41-45,46-49

    Wjat do you think?

  13. Not that I can remember

  14. Yes.  Every time i get my tax bill

  15. YES! :|

  16. Yes, once or twice.

  17. nope..

  18. No, with age nothing shocks you. Because after living the last 20 years to see how far young Americans have fallen, No nothing shocks me any more.

  19. Yes! When the Mccann's were let off the hook... poor wee mite Madeline.....

  20. yeah, been in shock once or twice, though i think being speechless is very common with people who are in shock. it gets bloody cold too,.lol. very strange sensation!

  21. ................

  22. no..whatever the occasion i can always think of something to say....even if i have to take my foot out of my mouth to do so!!!

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