
Have you ever been stuck on a roller coaster?

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I did two years ago. It was Superman Ultimate Flight at Six Flags Great America. It was 11:00 at night, and the ride already broke down on the dock before. And we were one of the last people to ride. We got on, and we were going up the chain lift. And it stopped. For 10 minutes, we were stuck. And on Superman, we were facing down. What was worse is that we were next to a group of 5th graders, who were going nuts, and the supervisors were down below. One started crying and it was crazy! But it was a good experience!

Ever been stuck on a coaster?




  1. yeah the Matterhorn at DisneyLand CA..

  2. I got stuck on Magnum XL-200 for like 10 Minutes going up the hill, Millennium Force for around 5-7 Minutes going up the hill.

    Thats about it.

    Well once, I was on Millennium, and we got stuck waiting before we got the unload station.

  3. yeah Splash Mountain at Disney World. I hate heights now and i took ALOT OF COURAGE for me to get on Splash Mountain (i just wanted to see the storyline and i wished there was a n option to get off before the drop. ) Anyway, it was raining really badly and the whole park got shut down for like two hours. When the rain stopped we waited 30 more minutes and then the park opened slowly back up. WE got on Splash Mountain and i was psyching myself up to go "We got this, this isn't anything, we got this..." then the ride stops after we went up another flight and went outside the cave to see how far upppp we were then it stopped going halfway up another flight. Scarrryyyyy, but all in all I'd get back on the ride, the drop looks scarier than it is.

  4. Nope. Thankfully never have.

  5. Just once....Space Mountain at Disney World. In a tunnel, dark not good for me because I'm claustrophobic anyhow. It was an experience but I'd just as soon it doesn't happen again. I try to avoid coasters now. Guess I'm a chicken! Lol  =o`)

  6. Yes! Top Gun. Right when its about to come down. Stupid Chinese people behind me were shaking the whole ride by swinging.

  7. Yeah it was so funny. I was with my 4 year old brother on the haunted mantion in disneyland and he was so freaked out he came out angry because I scared him a few times LOL.

  8. kind of

    we were at kings island and like the cars were stopped like they're suposed to. but the for like five minutes we at there. but then in went


  9. yes i have. at sx flags great adventuer i got stuck on the scream machine

  10. yes. i got stuk on the joker in six flags aroung 8 months ago.

  11. Sure! We were at Disneyland on Space Mountain. We had just gotten past the lift hills, and were on the second tier of track. When we got stopped at the break-run.

    The lights came on -- you could see the whole lay-out. Friends were stopped at the top tier break run.

    The cast members had to push start some of the lower tiered trains, but then they just started releasing the breaks (from the bottom up), and we rode it with the lights on!

    Being Disney, since our trip was interrupted, they had us stay in the cars, and sent us through the ride again! -- With the lights off, of course.

  12. Yepppp. :]

  13. Not a roller coaster, but the Log Flume. We got stuck going up the big hill. The conveyor belt stopped working halfway up. And it was night which made it worse. We had to climb out and go down a ton of really steep steps.

  14. yeah man it sucks i know how you feel i gut stuck on a ride for an hour

  15. Yea at  Mind Eraser just at the top right before you go down it was a little scary, but it lasted for like 2 minutes.

    : )

  16. I've been stuck on quite a few rides at Cedar Point.  I've been stuck on both hills on the Iron Dragon (multiple times), the first hill on Gemini, the second hill on Mine Ride (multiple times), the hill on Mantis (multiple times), the hill on Raptor, the hill on Blue Streak, and the hill on Disaster Transport.....I've been to Cedar Point multiple times a year for 15 years now.  My worst experience was on the Mine Ride.  We were stuck on the hill for a 1/2 hour with mayflies all over the place.  There were a bunch of girls who were terrified of bugs and were having a fit for the 1/2 hour we had to wait.

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