
Have you ever been successful at finding a nice baby toy such as a jumperoo or exersaucer at...?

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a second hand place such as once upon a child? there is one that recently opened by our home and ive been meaning to go over there and check it out...since olivia will be 4 months soon i wanted to get her something entertaining like this...i know Mark's Wife suggested the rainforest jumperoo and it looks like it would be fun for her....anyways i just want to avoid having to pay $70+ if its not necessary....thanks ladies!

p.s- im not much of an online shopper so places like craigs list or ebay wouldnt be that much in my interest...




  1. I have found great stuff at second hand stores. You just have to look and take your time, the stuff changes all the time so go back in a few days if they don't have anything at the time. I got a rain forest jumper for my daughter for $20. Looks brand new and works great. Good luck.  

  2. Yes I have.

    Give it a try. Just be picky and inspect anything you want to buy thoroughly.

    And please.

    Don't call me a lady!

  3. YES!! we got the rainforest one from a second hand store for 40 bucks and its awesome! and when shes done with it Im gonna sell it back and get some money! woohooo!

  4. Hi again. Even though you are not an online shopper, craigslist goes by localities. I live near Cleveland, OH and go to craigslist and click on Cleveland. It has TONS of stuff and you would have to pick it up but it is worth it! We got a jumperoo last month for Alexis for $25 off of craigslist. It is TOTALLY worth checking in to.

    But if you really don't want to you can check local yard sales. I got 2 exersaucers for $20 at a local sale back in July and they are in PERFECT condition!!!

    Once Upon A Child is a good place to go as well. I bought her Moses basket there for $15 (normally run around $70 or more at Babies R Us) and we got a highchair for $30 there. Definitely worth checking out. They have shoes and clothes too. Fun place to shop although I would personally check craigslist or yard sales first.

    You can call Once Upon A Child to ask them if they have an exersaucer or jumperoo. I've called them a bunch of times asking if they have certain items.

    Good luck :)

  5. Sure; we had an Exersaucer in the kitchen, still have one in the bathroom, and they were both second-hand. Given (1) cost new and cost used, (2) great durability, I wouldn't consider buying new.

    At least check Craigslist to find out what they go for used in your area, so you don't spend too much at the consignment store.

    A lot of those 2nd-hand stores will be happy to call you when the particular what-not you're looking for shows up, too.

  6. Oh yes!

    I went to Salvation Army Store this weekend and they had some very very nice clean toys!  I got all of my girls exersaucers and jumpers second hand.  I only bought the walkers new, but they're not really expensive anyway.

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