
Have you ever been suspended in an awkward position?

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I found that I was earlier today, and ever since have not been able to walk properly.




  1. LOL.  Lucky you.  I can't remember the last time I was suspended or awkward.  Darnit.

  2. No, but I have been in awkward circumstances and positions other than those you are questioning.  

  3. I most certainly have, 'Sniffy' Blenkinsop and myself were trying to work out if it was possible for servants to fly so we propelled my man Cuthbertson from the top of the east wing of Corpus Cristi College tower, as Cuthbertson went over Sniffy fell about laughing as Cuthbertson flapped his arms trying to fly. Sniffy inadvertently hit me at the back of the head causing me to fall over the edge as well. Fortunately for me I was wearing the new pattern of the indomitable 'Dreadnought' braces and they caught on the lightening conductor. I was suspended upside down for about 3 hours and missed a chemistry lecture by a relative of yours, 'Stinky' De Cat. He was fit to be tied and gave Sniffy a severe clout at the back of the head. Must have helped somewhat as Sniffy was quite normal for a day or so.

  4. Oh yes - when I was much younger of course.

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