
Have you ever been the object of road rage?

by Guest34390  |  earlier

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Have you ever been the object of road rage?




  1. Nope,

    I drive properly and don't p**s people off. You should too.

  2. more likely the subject. good thing my car isn't outfitted with large caliber guns, a plow and suitably more powerful engine

    people who want to merge onto 65mph highways doing 35 would be cleared from the road.

    people who can't wait two seconds for you to pass by before pulling out in front of you and forcing you to slow down would also be cleared from the road.

    the list goes on, but you get the idea.

  3. No, thank the Blessed Lord.  I have seen other people being yelled at during severe traffic tie ups, and do not want to put myself on the receiving end of anything like that.

    Think calm thoughts, drive carefully and safely and have a Merry Christmas.

  4. Hope and I don't plan on it either.

    Drive Safe.

  5. Unfortunately, I have been on both sides of this coin.I drive the speed limit when it is safe for me to do so. I have been cussed at and flipped off by so many strangers that I think I'm number one most of the time. I just tell them,"If you were in such a hurry, you should have left home sooner."

    But to the other side of the coin, I drove them big ol' trucks for 23 years and was never late because of my own driving techniques. Most folks today are not taught how to act around the trucks. Most figure, "They have all them tires and brakes, they should be able to stop on a dime." This just is not true. Them trucks do have a lot of brakes but they also have 80,000 pounds of steel and freight pushing them down the road. They can't stop, they can slow down but it take a few hundred feet.

    Motorcycles have the same problem, too much weight and not enough brakes.

    Y'all please drive safely and make it home in one piece.

  6. You mean shot at or just flipped off?     Doesn't matter really,   the best thing to do in the first case is get away and call the police.    In the latter,   just wave all five of your back,   then   FIDO  (forget about it,  drive on)

  7. Nope I have driven for 50 years and have never felt the need to flash my lights, blow the horn or give someone the bird. We all have to live on this planet and if I have to let off the gas or touch the brakes for someone else I never felt it was a big deal. chill out you will live longer

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