
Have you ever been the"other women" and you were the one who got dropped?

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My sister was the other women for 2 months.We kept on telling her to leave the married man alone but she never listen.Now he is ignoring her and she is devastated.




  1. Your sister deserves all that she gets. She obviously did not care about the feeling of this man's wife. No Sympathy from me I am sorry

  2. i was the other woman for ten months and he was the other man. my husband knew about him but didn't know who he was for several months. i left my husband when i met him but had to move back because of bills we ran up together and i was supposed to move back as friends. my daughter told him who it was and i kept getting threatened with ( i'm going up there to talk to his wife) so i finally got tired of hearing it that i called him and told him not to call me. now i wish i still had him to talk to but he will not answer my calls. i love him and i always have to see if he is outside when he is home just so i can see him. he lives right up the street from me. it hurts no matter what happens if thereanyone else involved.

  3. never been the other woman but my hubby had a Witch on the side that thought she had him wrapped up and i tried telling her that she was sadly mistakened if she thought that he would "BE" with her! Well let's just say that i'm not the one with the S@*$ face!! I'm the WIFE!!

  4. I was the other woman a long time ago.  I didn't get dropped tho.  I got to the point I had had enough and I walked away.  Its not like it bothered him tho.  A year later his wife had their third kid and he was s******g some other woman on the side.  We all have to learn from our own mistakes.  No amount of talking is going to change our mind.

  5. honestly...she should have known better.

    You can't expect someone who has made that committment to someone else to get divorced. She has to be realistic...he is married. He was off limits.

    They never stopped to think about if she was married...and how devastated she would be to think her husband was having an affair.

  6. I haven't ever been the other woman, but it's common knowledge that the other woman is almost always dumped.  Men rarely leave their wives and families for them.

  7. well i havent been with a married guy before! But i have been with a guy that has a woman! He is in jail right now and is going to get out in a week. I am going to find out what happens i guess!  

  8. Mistakes are for living through and learning from. As long as she made it through those two steps she grew... and thus is life.  

  9. I have been the other woman and was dropped after putting up with him for 3 1/2 years.  Your sister is lucky that it ended after 2 months before she wasted any more time with him.

  10. Nope, never been the other women..But the other woman is dumped most of the time and they deserve that don't you think?

  11. no, but my friend has, and she was dropped and was sad too. this man obviously told her that he would dump his wife for her, and she got happy. but he only said that so she would stay with him. now she is said cause he lied, and is still with his wife.

  12. Yes. I have.  I agree your sister should have left him alone.  The reality is when a man is married.....they are never going to leave their wife. They just want the best of both worlds and if you allow it then what can you say. I feel in love with a married man. I knew he was married from the beginning but I liked the idea of dating a older man. Not only was he older he took very good care of me financial. We had a realtionship for 8 years. I finally decided that he was not what I wanted or needed. I was basically putting my life on hold for him.  He didn't want me dating anyone else but every night he went home to his wife! So I ended it.  I realize as long as a stayed with him my life wouldn't progress. He had a beautiful house, nice cars, children and a wife .....I wanted those things.  I need the longer I stayed with him I would never get those things. Your sister may be devastated now but she will realize that she is better off without him.

  13. Shame on all of them.  They deserve all that they get.  These other women never learn.

  14. I dated a man once not knowing that he was married. It did not take long to find out and I got rid of him. My first husband cheated on me right from the start. He probably did it before hand too. He expected me to just forgive and forget. Not me, he was dropped.  

  15. She's lucky.  Her misery is just karma, and she should probably be thinking about why she would get involved with a married man.

    It can occasionally be tempting, particularly when you are a picky sort of woman and would otherwise spend a lot of time alone.  Particularly when you tell a married guy that you won't spend time with him and he says YOU'RE the one with the problem.  These are just tests of character.

    I firmly believe that if you disrespect the vows of someone else's marriage, it will come home to roost if you ever get married yourself.  This is just terrible misery, why would she want to be part of it?  Couple that with the fact that the vast majority of the time the married guy is not being anywhere near truthful with the 'other woman.'  Does she enjoy being a gullible fool?  I would think not.  She should make her peace with singledom and stop disrespecting marriage, and her fellow women, and avoid married men like the plague they are.

  16. That sucks..

    II dated a guy for three weeks to find out he already had a girlfriend .. I was kinda pissed so I just started ignoring him.. i can really 'leave him' if he's already got a gf can i? lol its alright now can always tell if they are jerks you just have to not be in denial!!(like your sister might have been for a little)

    try to get her to take it lightly and start looking for some1 new who is nice; sometimes its not even bad if you look for a good one :P


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