
Have you ever been to Cheddars? Is it good?

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Have you ever been to Cheddars? Is it good?




  1. Yes I have eaten at Cheddars several times, and it's pretty good for your average chain restaurant.  The grilled catfish is tasty.

  2. Cheddars is good but its just like anyother steakhouse

  3. Yes it is good, but like anywhere else it can depend on the cook .

    I have eaten some meals there that where not THE BEST, but all in all, I go back, is it good

    They have hambrgers and chicken pasta, you can pick around and find something if your real picky.

    it is not very pricey, which is nice too.

  4. Cheddars is a chain in the mode of TGIFridays and the like. They're okay, for a casual dining chain restaurant. My wife and I tried the one in College Station when we bought her new car. It was fine, but like that type of restaurant, nothing special.

    I would prefer to be in any privately owned restaurant with similar menu... maybe like a Goodsons Cafe (up in Tomball).

  5. I went to Cheddars when I was at school at A&M....It was alright but i prefer non-chain restaurants.  I like good quality (non frozen) meals from authentic chefs!

  6. i've never heard of you mean chadders? if so, its really really good. copy of in-n-out

  7. I went but I was not impressed...probably won't go again.

  8. I like Cheddar's it's a good chain restaurant.  Great salads!

  9. It seems ok but i think it is a little expensive for what you get

  10. As far as chain restaurants go, it's pretty decent.  The food is reasonably priced and tastes fresher than some other chains like Chili's.  I've had excellent service the couple of times I've gone.  And they have a really good fried chocolate chip cookie desert with ice cream on it.  You have to try that.

  11. No but i've heard its good

  12. cheddars is good. i have been and i wanna go back again. they have the best soup and burgers. they also have other good munu items that i think you will enjoy.

  13. I've been to the one on 45 South and it's delicious. Big portions and not too pricy.

  14. It's like a Chili's or an Applebees, but reasonably priced.  It's a different spin on the same ol' fare!

  15. I used to work there, the food is good and fairly cheap$ but don't expect the service to be good.

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