
Have you ever been to Christian marriage counseling?

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My husband & have been married for 4 years & we need Christian marriage counseling badly. I'm wondering if it will really help us out, we don't want to divorce but don't want to go on living unhappy lives together either.

Have you ever tried marriage counseling? How did it help you out? What should I look out for when selecting a good Christian marriage counselor?




  1. I go every day ! ( I am a christin marriage counselor)

    Look for a degree, and one of your faith.

    about 85% of people who willingly attend and interact with counseling, repair and move on happy,

    however a few couples I see, one or the other doest want to put effort or time into it, they fail.

    sometimes the hurt just runs too deep and they cant fix it, but this is rare .

    Good luck and get talking.

  2. my husband and i are going to christian marriage counseling thursday.  i think it is one of the best things to do when you are having trouble....i did not want to go at first because i felt ashamed and like a failure but after reading the bible and praying i realized it is the right thing to do.  i am really looking forward to going.....i truly believe it will help.  CBN has great stuff about marriage counselors on it....just type in CBN into google and it should pull it has all kinds of great marriage articles, based on GOD.  good luck..

  3. It will help but I think first you should find a church accept Jesus as your Saviour and then speak with a Pastor and read the bible it will help both of you guys out and you still can save your marriage Good Luck and God Bless You

  4. Christian marriage counseling, I believe, has greater potential as an active ingredient in the healing process than any other type of therapy.  Why?  Because marriage between a man and woman is God's plan so it only stands to reason that the repair procedures for an unhealthy marriage could be found in His word.

    My wife and I went through Christian marriage counseling provided a trained, licensed, minister of the faith who was exceptionally gifted in using the Word of God to help couples in the reconciliation process.  These are important credentials in choosing a counselor.

    What makes Christian marriage counseling effective is the willingness of the couple to truly uncover, forgive, and die-to-self.  It has to be understood that none of these things are within our human ability to accomplish alone.  We need the help of the Holy Spirit to facilitate the type of radical change that must take place in one’s heart, deep down inside, in order for real change to take place.  You’ll know it is happening when your focus is less on what your mate is doing than what you are doing in and with your relationship with God.

    Fifteen years later, my wife and I are stronger than ever.  Has the road been free of bumps?  No.  But I have heard it said that if the mountain were as smooth as glass, you wouldn’t be able to climb it.  We are still living in and by what we learned in Christian marriage counseling.  Our marriage is not about determination and resolve to make it work; its about the freedom to love one another and let the other be who they are with full faith and confidence that what holds us together is not our resolve, but trust and assurance in Jesus Christ that He is able to sustain us through any storm that might come our way.

  5. Yeah but make sure they are qualified as well, either being a psychologist or psychiatrist.

    I went to secular counselling and it was c**p, I paid a lot of money for somebody to ask questions and write things down. That didnt help at all.

    Later I saw a christian counsellor who was also a psych, and it was brilliant.  He showed me things I could not see my self, and gave great advice as to how to fix the things that were wrong.  From then on things have been fine.

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