My soon-to-be-stepmom invited me to go with her to Egypt in late August, and I'm curious about what the country is like.
If you've been, will you please tell me your over all impression, what your favorite places were, and if you'd go back. Also, if there is anything you wish someone had told you before you went there, please tell me! I'm super excited on one hand, but I already have a crazy busy summer planned out & if I went I'd only end up with 3 chill days before school. So, I'm kinda on the fence.
Is it as hot as frick in the summer? This is my biggest concern.
How do they treat foreign women? I'm a tall blonde girl & I've had some freaky scary experiences in some places abroad because I stand out so much. Is it safe there?
I'd be super grateful for your input. Thx! : )