
Have you ever been to Italy..?

by Guest61810  |  earlier

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Hi, I'm an italian Girl from Florence, Toscana..What do you think about Italy??Have you ever been here?Do you like italian people??...Thanks for the answers!!Ciao!!




  1. ciao, prima ho fatto una domanda simile... XD bella la toscana, io sn pugliese e x caso sn capitata tra queste domande... ciauuu^^

  2. I've been to the Italy and I loved it. I have some Italian friends here in the States and am used to their generosity, warmth, and great cooking. The Italians in Italy are just very polished in terms of possessing style and class.  I LOVE accents in general so it's only but natural for me to adore the Italian accent. When the Italian languague is spoken it just seems to roll off from the tongue so effortlessly, softly, and smoothly as if it's a sound of purring. It's kind of the same as Spanish, but much more elegant. Seriously, just speak to me in Italian and it's over; you got me! I'll be in so much awe of you *smiles*

    There everyone dresses with a sense of sophistication being either male or female. It's a very nice look unlike Americans who's style consist of jeans, baseball caps, flip flops, and track suits. In Europe for women the handbag and shoes are the most important aspects of her outfit. I also like how all around Europe people walk, take public transportation (buses, metros, trains, subways, taxis), and mopeds to reach their destinations regardless of what they're wearing.

    I think Americans could learn so much from the Italians and the rest of Europe in terms of how they live. Because here in the States we're so consumed with materialistic things (the newer, bigger, and more expensive things), work-a-holics, greedy, and selfish. But in Europe it's the complete opposite; Europeans know what truly matters most; they seem to have their priorities in order. Their happiness drives from within as they lead simple lives and remember the importance of family, religion, history, and culture.

    Not to mention the men are beautiful and the women are gorgeous. Since I've came back to the states I refused to eat at any so-called "Italian" restuarants knowing that they aren't authentic nor even close to the types of food I had experienced in Italy. The last time I was in Italy was in summer of '06 and I still can't seem to stop the word Europe (Italy, France, Germany, UK- places I visited) out of my vocabulary. lol. It's not a real problem or anything, but my family is so tired of me talking about it's been 2 yrs. Anyway, I'm planning on returning to Europe next summer and have my mom convinced to go to Italy; though I'm still working on my sister. I also wouldn't mind living there at all. I had lots of fun!

    **Though, I don't like the traffic and the driving is crazy. I almost got ran over twice!

  3. Ciao, Loved Firenze is one of my favorite places on earth have been 3x since 04' last in April of 08' always stay on the Arno river and in June of 04' arrived in time for the St. Johns Day Fireworks was so awesome. Have done all the tourist stuff so now when we go we discover the Toscana People and the country side  my Family is planning a 09' trip for my Dads 65 birthday see you all soon Ciao Bella!!!!

  4. I lived in Collesavetti (just outside or Pisa) for over three years and loved it.  Tuscany is the prettiest part of Italy by far.  Firenze is my favorite city in the world.  

    Ho vissuto in Collesavetti (appena esterno o Pisa) per oltre tre anni e la amavo. La Toscana è la zona più graziosa dell'Italia di gran lunga. Firenze è la mia città favorita nel mondo.

  5. im from living with my boyfriend ...hes italian...we live in montevarchi. i love the sun!

  6. I don't like their work ethic, but I love their passion for life.

  7. Im living in Florence too!! Love the city but a bit noisey!!

  8. Ohh Yes. I lived there for 7 months and I'm in love with Italy. It's my favorite country. I love love Italian food in general. It has beautiful places I've been to Rome, Milan, Naples and Florence I think there are more. I was only in my first grade yet I still remember it. I've heard Italians changed alot after the attacks in U.S.A people say they weren't nice at all. However, my dad went 2 months ago he said he enjoyed it and they were polite. I guess I won't believe it not until I go my self. Anyway, I wish I can go again very soon. By the way I support the Italian team but they sucked in the last game loool.

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