
Have you ever been to Nepal or even heard about it?? If not, would you like to visit Nepal??

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Have you ever been to Nepal or even heard about it?? If not, would you like to visit Nepal??




  1. I was born in Nepal. Best scenery and history there. Buddha was born there, so many nice mountains. You better go if you got the oppurtunity.

    Hero, Maoists are f**s. You can't trust them. Nepali people are nothing like him. Try and get him back. Try to get him to jail or something.

  2. hello everybody,

                           I am a bussiness man from taiwan.

    i am cheated by a nepalese man ,his name is ghanshyam dallakoti or his nick name is sundar dallakoti.

    as he claims......his formal citizen name is ghanshyam of birth is 23 june 1971.his permanent adress is ,,birendranagar-4,chitwan and temporary adress is ,,kirtipur,kathmandu.

    actually i met this guy online and he claims he is a poor teacher,teaching in some school.and he claims he is poor but very honest and hard working after chatting for few months i started to believe this guy.and i start talking bussiness with usually i import silver jewelry from NEPAL to TAIWAN.and my bussiness plan with him is that he should collect the sample items [which i have send pictures to him]from nepal and send it to taiwan.and i promise him i will share some profits with him.he agreed and he said he will do it for me.later he mail me and  said he got the product that i wanted and told me to send the money quickly.i send him 200000 nc quickly . after recieving the money ,without any problems he just claims that am very bossy,dishonest and he believes once when the product reach taiwan ,i will not share any profits with him.accusing me for nothing but a lie.later i reply him that i will share your profit for sure but he said he dont believe me anymore.

    then i asked ?what do you want me to do ?

    his reply==i will just take your money without sending anything to me.and he said if i come to nepal he will kill me and he already told to many of his friends and showed my photo and tell them to beat me if ever they saw me in nepal and finally he claims he is a maoist .

    this is my whole story,

    for me money is something but nothing . am deeply hurt by this nepalese man.i hope he will not get another chance to cheat another people in the i wish and hope media people will flash this news around nepalese comunity and hope that he dont get the chance to cheat more people.

  3. I will be visiting Nepal in few months. I like the natural beauty and cheerful people of the country.

    To Hero: Please do not put all the Nepalese in same category. I am sorry to hear that you have been cheated. You should have verified the person through different means before the commercial deal. Anyway, if you have email responses, send to local news papers or friends in Kathmandu, they will help to publish the news so that other people will be aware of such activities. According to Nepal internet law, you can put a legal case against him through your friends or embassy/consular in Kathmandu. You can also put the persons photo, emails etc in blogs so he can not cheat anyone anymore.


  5. Yes just last year my mom and little brother are there right now!! I was born there!

  6. I spent 3 months in Nepal on a volunteer program (, and lived in villages in and around the kathmandu valley while working on development projects. It was absolutely amazing and I met some great people! Best of all you need no experience!

    Nepal is a beautiful country, I especially loved Pokhara, Chitwan National Park, flying over Mt Everest!! Unfortunately I missed out on trekking due to an injury :(

    The people, culture and scenery is to die for. I miss walking around the boddnath stupa accumulating good karma :)

    There were definitely some interesting experiences too, like travelling on a road up a mountain that I swear was 5cm narrower than our bus, on our first day being caught in a violent protest where they burnt tyres and smashed up a car - turns out the car had hit and killed someone and that is normal practice (we were in no danger!), running to our host family screaming "makura!" (spider.. sorry for spelling) because of the huuuugggee spiders in our room, getting drunk way too easy due to the high altitude... too many good stories to tell!

    I tend to ramble, sorry :) I would love to go back to Nepal again!

  7. My uncle goes to NEPAL every few years or so.... He really enjoys the scenery and nature.  The people he says are nice/friendly.. I'm not sure if I'd like to go but, he enjoys it.. He lives in the United States...

    Good luck

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