
Have you ever been to Paris?

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If so what was it like? I know this is weird but I'm writting a short story for English and I need a description, what did it smell like? Were the people friendly? Where were all the places you went? Which one did you enjoy the most? and anything else you can tell me, thanks




  1. I was there in December.  It was gray, and there was snow on the tracks when I got off the train.  (it melted pretty quickly).

    After finding a hotel, I found I was out of cash, and had to go back to the train station (It was late, and this was before ATMs), to get change, and on my way back to the hotel, as it had snowed, a bus passed me and splashed me with a buttload of slush!  My first impression of Paris was not too good.

    After the first night, though, things picked up.  Incredible museums, Nôtre Dame is to die for.  Couldn't go to the top of the Eiffel Tower.  It was too windy.

    And the people, well, it depends on who you meet.  Whenever I went into a bar to use the bathroom, you have to order something, so I would order the small cup of coffee (because it comes in sizes, and of course, the small one was cheapest,) but it seemed like I always wound up with a large, and had to pay for it, of course.  Now, I know my French is good enough to be able to understand a simple phrase like petite tasse de café au lait, but I found myself being deliberately misunderstood almost everywhere.

    I did have one rough afternoon, and was very thirsty, and went into a bar almost in tears, and the guy working it was so nice and took care of me.  No idea who he is, but I send him good karma whenever I think of's to you, mon ami!

  2. Paris was beautiful; loved the arhitecture, very European, elegant, Romantic, intricate. The people though were not very friendly and I tried to speak as little as possible. I went to the famous lanmarks like the effiel tower, the Louvre, Galleries Layfayette (Giant mall) The Paris Opera House, Notre Dame, and Versailles (Palace, not in Paris) I actually liked Versailles the best. I wanna go back again but with someone who speaks French so it will be easier. It was kinda hard knowing who was a native and who was a tourist because there is no real distinguishing ethnic feature for french people. Also, I'm still not sure what French food refers to but what I ate was pretty good, I had crepes and paninis often. The subway system was easy to understand for me cuz it seemed like the NYC one which I take everyday. Overall, it was a nice place, I just wish people were friendlier.

  3. I am in love with Paris!  I studied abroad in France and was lucky enough to spend a combined few weeks there.  The people are for the most part friendly, but like most big cities, they aren't the most patient...I observed this with my fam when they came to visit because they spoke no french at all.  There is something upbeat and fun about Paris - most likely because there is always something going on!  I visited all the touristy places Champs Élysées, L'arc de triomphe, La tour eiffel, Notre Dame, the Louvre, Versailles, L'orangerie, musée d'orsay - just to name a few!  My favorite was the champs élysées because I am a die hard shopper - even the window shopping was fabulous!  Also, you could people watch for hours!  Only problem is it is très cher (very expensive!)  The seine runs through Paris, so there are some gorgeous views...also, a lot of gothic architecture, I loved the crazy metro signs and have a collection of the pics I took of them.  Paris is a loud city - the live musicians in the metro will always be a fond memory of mine as well as the sound of french, which I miss so much now that I am back in the US.  As far as the friends and I always joked that there was no in between - either you got the vulgar smell off of the street from their horrible sewage system, or the wonderful smell coming from the patisseries and  restaurants.  After all, the french are famous for their cuisine!  Hope this gave you a glimpse into Paris life!  Good luck and I hope you will have the opportunity to see it for yourself one day!

  4. i just came back from paris yesterday! i was staying with a french family to learn the language, its a nice place, i got a kinda sparce and industrialised icky feeling from the outskirts but the suburbs and inner city is great! very metropolitan!

    it always smelt of smoke(everyone smokes!) or melted choclate(theres crepe stands in all the touristy places and thats their domminant smell)or occasionally the smell of bread being cooked if its in the morning...

    most people were friendly, but some kid 'bout my age tried to pickpocket me and i felt quite bad as i think i broke his finger when i grabbed his hand! i had a sketchy moment with a cop after that as they're quick to draw guns in that country, i had never seen one befor an d**n near **** my pants! then the kid legged it and he went after him...

    the language is nice, and soft so in a resteraunt a crowd sounds very diffrent to an english speakin one!

    i saw all the sights but eiffel tower was just amazing as the view was awsome!(in the grander sense notthe kid slang sense)

  5. I haven't been, but I'm going in March!!!

  6. yeah i wanna go sooo badly my friend is going this summerrr

    and yeah its the louvre museum im pretty sure

  7. Oh I'm here right now!!!It smells so great when you walk past someone making Bread and The wine is amazing!I love it here!!!(Too BAD I have to go home today!!!)

  8. Yes !! Sorry but i don't spike english because Je suis Française !

    Sinon, les Parisiens (habitants de Paris) sont de mauvaise humeur car ils travaillent beaucoup et il y a souvent des bouchons (embouteillages) dans Paris et sur le périphérique!

    Je suis allée au musée du Louvre, au jardin des Tuilleries, j'ai fais du bateau mouche, je suis allée au Sacré coeur, aux Champs Elysées!!, .....Bisous !!

    Désolé pour ne pas parler anglais! If you don't unterstand my answer :

    I am French!

    Otherwise, the Parisians (inhabitants of Paris) are bad-tempered because they work a lot and there are often corks in Paris and on the ring road(peripheral)!

    I went to the museum of the Louvre, to the garden of Tuilleries, I have make of the boat blow, I went to the Sacred heart, to the Champs Elysees!!..... Kisses!!

  9. No, but I would greatly enjoy going to Paris and go to the Louv (sp?) museum.

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