
Have you ever been to Rome, Italy?

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What was your favorite experiance or attraction? Aside from the main guidebook attractions, are there any less obvious attractions that a visitor should not miss?




  1. Passeggiata del Gianicolo; actually, it is well known but not as much as it deserves. Also known as "La Passeggiata degli Innamorati" "Lovers promenade", but it does worth anyway!

    This site is in Italian

    but the pics, especially number 3 (imagine a night see...) from Piazza Garibaldi explain it all...

  2. apart from the basilica, the food is AMAZING!!!!

    but i prefer milan because its more modern for me and the shopping is amazing.

    try going to to find some unique, unpopular attractions.

  3. meeting people at this fountine and there are lots of steps up that they decorate with flowers sometimes. its a social spot and a place to be seen. i forget what its called but totally poplular. best thing to do at night before the clubs.

  4. If you would like to do a religious pilgrim kind of thing, contact the Vatican about the Scavi tour (where they take you down under the Vatican to go see St. Peter's tomb). This need to be booked quite in advance. Also, Villa Borghese has a lot to offer as well. Get the book "Let's go Italy!" because it outlines many of the small and cool treasures to do not just in Rome but basically every city in Italy.

  5. I spent 2 months in Rome last year and I didn't see everything I wanted to.  What an amazing city.  If you're interested in art - a must is the Borghese Gallery.  You can buy tickets online for a specific time and you have two hours to stroll at leisure amongst some of the most famous and beautiful sculpture Bernini.  What he did with marble is astounding and in my opinion surpasses Michaelangelo.  The park in which the gallery is set is another gem in the hustle and bustle of Roma.  You can rent bikes and ride around.  There are often other exhibitions happening.  

    The main tourist attractions are obviously the Colosseum, the Vatican and St. Peter's and you cannot go anywhere without seeing antiquities.  

    A hidden gem just outside of Rome is Ostia Antiqua, a well preserved 2BC Roman town, you get to walk the main thoroughfares, buildings, banks, bathhouses - you really feel the history.  It's worth taking a picnic and spending a day.

    Have fun!!

  6. Yes, one word: Gorgeous.

    Don't let an oppurtunity like that slip through your fingers.

    Go to the main attractions, but the best ones are the ones you find yourself.  Go ahead and discover little shops and that tiny restaurant that serves the best chocolate dessert in the world.  Half the fun is discovering while you're there.


  7. I was in Rome in January, I spent 3 weeks traveling around Italy with my sister and my 2 cousins... We were in Rome for 5 days and it was my favorite part of Italy. I wish th we in Rome longer because we didn't even get to se half of the things that we wanted to... My favorite things in Rome were or course the Forum and Colloseum, the Trevie Fountain and the Sistine Chappel. We mostly did the very touristy stuff, but it was amazing anyway!

  8. Yes, I've been to Rome many times.  Last time I went in January and LOVED it.  Fewer tourists...could walk all day and not get hot.  It was the first time I saw Santa Maria Maggiore which, in my opinion, is the most spectacular church in Rome.  No lines.  No tickets.  No crowds.

  9. No, but Milan was kind of cool

  10. Yes, mostly all I remember is the fountain that you throw pennies into

    1 to return

    2 to return with a lover? (i don't remember)

    3 to find a lover in rome? (yea I totally don't remember)

    Is the Vatican there?  Then I remember that too

  11. hola!

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