
Have you ever been to a casino and won?

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This weekend i went to the FOXWOOD CASINO IN LEDYARD, I was down loosing about $250, then i decided to play BLACK JACK , and my luck changed, i got out of there $3,000 ahead, . one of those days...i chosed no to go to work and did a lot better.... hehehehe




  1. yep I've won (and lost) at casinos.  its an up-n-down adrenaline roller coaster.

  2. I been to the casinos 3 times I live near the detroit , michigan area so I been to the windsor canada casino and the greek town casino. I only take 100 dollars with me and only the one time I won  500 dollars ..on the slot machines , I didn't get to enjoy it just as soon as I got home on the very same day my brother called and said he needed to borrow 500 dollars and like a idiot I said okay ,..

  3. I win most of the time, but not always. Couldn't catch a poker hand to save my life on Friday night....    Congrats on the big score, it's always a good day when you come out ahead!

  4. Good for you!

  5. i've won $1000 a couple of times and $1500 one time.  once i hit something big, i leave so i don't take the chance of losing it all back!

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