
Have you ever been to a psychic that read you dead on?

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I went to one a few years back at the end of November that told me if I didn't want to be pregnant for my wedding (that was schedualed for September) that I better take extra precautions because she was seeing a pregnancy at the begining of February. Needless to say, I found out January 31st that I was pregnant, and ended up being pregnant for my wedding. She was very good but has since moved to Las Vegas because her husband was relocated for his job >: (

So what did yours tell you that just amazed you?




  1. One psychic accurately showed me my father at a certain point of his life and for her to pick a specific place like that was amazing. She also saw my parents as not together on the Other SIde, and questioned why they were ever together as they had such different energies.  Her name is Lyssa Matteau and is very accurate and amazing. You can look her up, she wrote the book Psychic Diary"

  2. they all use a cold reading technique....

    i've been to 7. none of them told me anything truthful.

  3. Before I flip a coin I can tell what it will be.

    50% of the time.   No lie.

  4. The first reader was ok; she told me how many kids I had (but, I knew that already).  She recognized some health problem I had too.  The second reader was amazing!  She accurately told me some things in my personal life that came to pass.  She nailed my personality down, too.  The third reading came from someone who does "Angel Readings" in my email.  She was deadly accurate about family members, etc.  There's some good ones out there!

  5. A psychic suspected a young couple of having s*x.Then predicted a pregnancy.Now that's what I call absolute proof of psychic powers.

  6. One Psychic told me that my dog is gonna have a knee problem where the knee comes out of its socket and that for me to not put him in surgery because he'll die.  2 weeks later his knee popped out of its socket for the first time and has continued ever since.  The vet said he needed surgery, but I refused and put him in a cast.  

    Another psychic told me that I was gonna meet a guy named John and that I would get too quickly involved with him, find out some stuff about him, then ditch him.   Forgetting that reading, I met a guy named John, found out some REALLY perverted things that he did, then ignored him for the rest of my life.

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