
Have you ever been to a ...?

by  |  earlier

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Being born doesnt count.

I have , but I was too young to remember.




  1. Yes plenty of times.

    Please answer mine!

  2.   3-4 times a week. I'm a volunteer ambulance car driver.

  3. yes

  4. yeah a lot

  5. sure i was there yesterday  

  6. yep.  i have been to the hospital many times visiting people.. and as for being there for myself i have had a knee infection(in the hospital for a couple days) i broke my arm(got the cast on and off) and i have had blood tests a few times(for traces of limes disease form ticks)

  7. yes i went becuz my brother was sick

  8. yeah, a few times

  9. Yes had 2 kids there

  10. Yes, I broke my arm and going there is my first real memory

  11. yep

    and its not fun

  12. Yes, many times.

  13. Many, Many, Many times over the last 12 or 14 years. I even died in the hospital for 4 minutes about 14  years ago from a major heart attack. I was put in the high rise  area of not living out the year and as you see I'm still here and going strong.

  14. unfortunately yes .. one to  many times !!

    once or twice for me ..

    and other times are to take my mommy,

    she gets these PANIK ATTACKS !!

    not to fun ..

    dont like hospitals at all ...

  15. yes when i die

  16. I've had over 30 surgeries, plus I work in yeah, a few times.

  17. Yes. 8 or 9 years ago ( when I was about 17) I was prescribed an overdose of depression medication by an incomptent doctor and ended up not sleeping for 4-5 days. My mother described it as me being on speed. I wouldn't sit still, had racing thoughts, and was acting very erractically. By the end of this time period I became very confused and scared. I didn't understand what was going on. They finally had to take me to the E.R. because no one could get me to calm down and go to sleep. I'm not sure what happened because I'm actually missing chunks of my memory from around this time. All I know is that they kept me in the ER overnight and then stuck me in a mental hospital and detoxed me. I was there for a week before they released me.

    That really sucked and was super scary!

  18. oh yeah..

    i went there to visit people

  19. yes many times

  20. Yes I have

  21. Yea a couple of months ago when I got in a car accident.. It sucked.

  22. Many times...

  23. ya lotsa times my dad works in several and i also had emergency visits too

  24. just to visit somone.

  25. Yes, 5 times.

  26. yes countless times and the dentist too

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