
Have you ever been to a wedding?

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I'm fifteen and I've always dreamed of attending a wedding. Are weddings fun? I suppose it depends, but I really want to attend one because it's such a happy occasion. I've attended 4 funerals already, and I'm hoping that sometime in my future I will be able to say I've been to at least 1 wedding!




  1. No i haven't but I really want to they sound so much fun and are such a joyish time that I wish I could share with someone by attending there wedding. I'm only 13 though but I've never been to a funeral either so yea. But I just want to go to at least one wedding even if it is my own lol!!! As long as I can see them on t.v I will be ok until I geet the chance too lol!!

  2. OMG you've never been to a wedding??? omgg come to mine them lmaoo

    its TONS of fun... teens can hang out together and talk and wear beautiful dresses and eat GREAT food and listen to nice music... DANCE <33 find new cute guyss lolzz

    but it's more fun if it's your own family's wedding like aunt and unlces and all... more freedom ahahaa

  3. it depends on where you have them and what position, ive been to like 7 and im 16. the last one i went to i was a usher and it sucked because i was in a tux and it was like101degrees outside. but the after partys are always fun. omg they are amazing if the two people that getting married are young and fun. they it will be a riote and you will remember it for the rest of your life.

  4. Gosh, Iv been to lads of wedding hehe anywayz weddings are pretty fun. Specially if it's one of your relatives, you can play the fool with your cousinz. There's great food, dancing, you can meet new people... and of course you can see old men who had too much of alchohol dance their funky dances.

    Hopefully you'll attend a wedding in the future, ciao!

  5. omg i have my bff here and we reallie think weddings r boring .... wen she was a little girl she liked attending for the cake and apple cider...i just wanted the cake... its reallie boring but i guess its cause we dont know whos gettings married even now ...its our parents frends thats y but someone close to us is fun =-= i dont want a wedding just sign a paper but my bff wants a small one. since u have been waiting go to one of which u actually no the couple getting married, it might actually not be too boring

  6. i've been to 4. 2 of which i was flower girl at plus im going to be a bridesmaid at one coming up soon and im only 15. one was my parents wedding, one was my uncle's, one was another one of my uncles, plus there was another one, i cant remember whose though. weddings are alright depending on how close you are to the bride and groom. sometimes they can be a bit boring when all the adults get drunk and you just have to kinda stand there and watch. but they are a very happy occasion and im sure you will be able to go to one soon. i've only ever been to one funeral.

  7. Pretty fun...i am going to one tomorrow!  I have been in a ton of weddings, i mean probably at least 6 ( i think thats a lot ) and im only 21... and im not married...not too many of my friends are yet either so more to come!

    ITs fun and after the wedding is the funnest...dancing, food, sweet!

  8. aw i'm sorry to hear that.  yes, i have been to a wedding but i was only 4 years old and was a flower girl.  i lucked out because my aunt got married late and i was able to attend.  but other than that i haven't been to any weddings.  yes, they are so wonderful.  just the music and the food and everything is elegant.  and the meaning of the wedding is so nice too.  you know, two lives combine.  of course, i was too young to realize all of that.  i was still drinking apple juice from my barbie sippy cup.  haha. don't feel too bad about not attending weddings.  a lot of my friends have never been to one.  just focus on your special day (:  

  9. yeah, i was the ring bearer in two weddings. The wedding itself is boring but the after party is fun.

  10. i love weddings =]

    everyone is always in a good mood, and what is better than good food, music, and a lot of happy people?

    plus it's an excuse to dress up =]

  11. Yes, tons. Weddings are amazing fun! By your age, I had already been to LOTS of weddings with my family - weddings of people from our family, neighbors' weddings, church friends, etc.

    I'm so sad that you haven't been -- and I'm afraid this is a trend which may continue because there are brides now who want no kids at their weddings at all - which is sad. There are brides getting married who have never been to a wedding as a guest! I think that's crazy...

  12. I've been to a lot of weddings.  I think I was about 11 years old when I went to my cousin's wedding.  That was so much fun, she asked my sisters and I to be flower girls.  But then I caught the bouquet.  I didn't know that the belief was that whoever caught the bouquet would get married next and I didn't know that the person who caught the garter was supposed to kiss the person who caught the bouquet.  I just remember feeling a little unhappy because my older sister told me that I was a big jerk for catching the bouquet (so she ruined the fun of catching it for me).  A whole bunch of guys were all gathered around to catch the garter and finally one guy picked it up off the floor, like I would have kissed a 26 year old stranger in the first place.  I didn't know that was part of the game and I didn't understand why my older sister yelled at me.

  13. yes!

    i love going to weddings

    they are so beautiful and elegant

    i am going to one on the 6th of september

    my cousins wedding

    and at my other cousins wedding i caught the bouquet

  14. I'm 17 and I've been to four weddings.  Only one of them was fun, though, because it was my sister's and the only one in which i was extremely close to the bride and groom.  I was a groomsman and the wedding was beautiful, but the best part was the reception.  All the dancing was great.  I highly recommend you attend one.

  15. Weddings can be fun but expensive. And while the love and happiness you feel for the couple is genuine everytime, once you've been to one or two, you've been to them all. Your own wedding will be the best one though ; )

  16. I went to a cousins wedding for the first time and im 13.  It was so funn i danced with all my cousins and slow danced with one of my boy cousins.  It was sooooooooo much fun.  The bride was beautiful.  The Groom was very handsome.  

    MY aunt is getting married so i get to be the Junior Bridesmaid cause im her only niece and my bro is her only nephew so were really close, her being my mommys sis.

    I can't wait to be IN A WEDDING for the first time.  

    I hope you get your chance to shine at a wedding and dance and play with family and just have a great time!

  17. Don't worry. sooner or later some relative will find he love of his/her life and will get married.

    Depending on the person it can be very fun or very boring. The last one I went to was my cousin's, the ceremony was short and sweet, and the caterers did a fabulous job. Whoever planned it really knew how to have both families merge and become one. t was absolutely fun, simple, and not drawn out.

  18. Been to, been in, been married.  I was at a wedding when I was 15 or so, but it didn't make much of an impression.  I caught the garter too, and if I'd had more privacy it might have been more of a pleasure.  I got older and appreciated more what people were trying to do.  When it was my turn, I figured out that the real question was, "Is this the person you want to grow old with?"  She died young (cancer) but since then, the weddings I've been at have taken on new meaning.  I love celebrating the ones where the couples are obviously committed to growing old together, since I didn't get to do that, but I can tell sometimes when they aren't committed to that.  I go to those too, but just to be polite.    

  19. Same here!

    Too many funerals (one which I threw up at after my godmother asked me to hold my godfather's ashes) and never one wedding.

    I guess it would be all happy and sweet and such.

  20. yea like 3, they ******* suck, boring as h**l, yes theyre all happy but dam they drag on and on, might be more fun fer a girl

  21. The wedding itself tends to be boring unless it's short and quick (and most of the ones in my family aren't) but the receptions are pretty fun I'd say. I'm sure you'll get the chance to go to one someday. =)

  22. a wedding will come for u and ur own dear

    just don't bother with it ur only 14

    weddings are beautiful and magical

    sometimes it gets to lovey dove

    Hope it Helps!!

    ps sorry about u  attending 4 funerals in ur life

  23. Wow, by the time I was your age I'd been to at least 30 weddings!

    My great aunt used to be a wedding caterer/coordinator/decorator and she would enlist my mother and I to help her with some of the weddings she was hired to do. I've been to more weddings of people I don't know than people I do! This is why I mostly stay in the Weddings category here on Y!A. I've been to so many and learned so much about them that I'd like to share my knowledge.

    As for if weddings are fun or not, it really just depends. I've been to some that were as boring as doorknobs to some that were about as hopping as a bash on My Super Sweet 16! But I even love the boring ones because weddings are such beautiful things to me symbolically. Pretty much the only thing you have to do a wedding is look nice, be quiet and take in what's happening during the ceremony, and meet and mingle during the reception.

    I'm sure you'll get your chance to go to a wedding soon!

  24. yea you know when they throw the bouqey or watever the one where women catch it i caught it by accident one time lol it came right at me

  25. yeah at your age theyre still fun cause your like wanting to see if theres any cute guys there and seeing who will sneek you some champagne.

  26. I'm also 15 and i will be attending a wedding this september. it won't be fun for me because i have to watch my brother marry someone who my family and i hate.

  27. dont worry one day you will =] and dont forget about when your wedding day comes =] i was my mom's maid of honor and I'm 12 she had two maid of honors

  28. Yeah I've been to lots of weddings. They're pretty fun, especially when people drink way too much. Don't worry, you'll be able to attend a wedding sometime in the future, if not someone else's then at least your own!

  29. I've been to more than 1 wedding. They are fun, but then again they can also be boring. You have to be quiet and sit still, but that's not hard for me. It IS a happy occasion. Hope I Helped!!!

    P.S. it's also nice to see family!!

  30. i'm almost 15, and yeah i've been to one.

    sorry to say it's wayyyyyy boring. I mean, i guess for people that are really close to the bride or groom, it's fun but for a  lot of the guests, it's not. Basically, you just go to church, then go to the reception

  31. Honestly, I hate weddings.  They're boring, the attendants usually look dreadful, oftentimes the reception food is horrid as is the band/DJ.

    And I always get seated next to some pompous windbag that asks too many questions.

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