
Have you ever been to an animal rights conference?

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I've been thinking about going to the next one, which I think is in D.C. (?) There's a west coast one in a few days but I'm not going to be able to make it to Portland.

I used to live in D.C. so I know a few people that would take me in for a few nights. What happens at the conferences? Who have you heard give talks? Is it worth driving over 2,000 miles to or should I wait for the next west coast conference?




  1. I've been to the TAFA conferences, but I was quite upset at the last one because they had "humane" meat producers from some Animal "Welfare" group speaking.  However, the food was better than it was at the first two events.

    This year, it's in Crystal City, not Washington, DC, and I intend to volunteer rather than pay for the conference, as I don't work for any animal advocacy groups, I'm just a volunteer.  I'm also upset about the "humane" meat folks there last year.

    The AR conferences put on by FARM (they rotate between L.A. area in odd-numbered years and the DC area in even-numbered years) are a little more radical, and I don't really attend those, but I do check out the exhibits.  Last time I checked it out--I got a free day pass as a member of the local vegetarian society--the food offered by the hotal seemed really lame.

  2. Hi,

    I'm afraid I've never been to one but I've been to a vegan fair and, in a way, that's pretty much the same thing.  Okay, the main focus is on good, cruelty free food, but there are a lot of animal rights stands and organisations there.  I'm not sure what an animal rights conference would be like, but I can guarantee you wouldn't get as much free food as at a vegan fair!

    Not sure if you have them in the states but if you're ever this side of the pond in May/June the best is in Bristol - it rocks every time!

    Take care, keep keeping it real and cruelty free!


  3. I've been there. The people are either hostile or they show me graphic pictures and launch into rehearsed tirades about animal cruelty to try and get me to convert.

    I'm never going back. Those people were supposed to be united for the same cause, but they kept arguing anyway.

  4. They are boring.  The sheep and cattle always vote differently, so nothing is ever agreed.

  5. Four legs good!

    Two legs bad!


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