
Have you ever been to brazil? how much did you spend on food and etc.?

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I am going on a trip to brazil in july for a month and i wanted to have an idea of how much the food costs there and how much other things costs as well to get an idea of how much to bring. However i do have a place to stay.




  1. The exchange rate, as of yesterday, is USD 1,00 = BRL 1,65 if you use international CC. It used to be much better for americans tourists in the past, when the exchange rate was around USD 1 = BRL 3. Now it isnt that cheap anymore, our currency has been getting very strong in the past couple of years. However, food is still cheap in Brazil. You can have a very descent meal for 10 bucks. Electronics and clothing tend to be much more expensive here than in the US, though.

  2. I live in Brazil, here is some information about food costs and more.

    With U$ 5.00 you can have a nice breakfast. In Brazil most people don't eat much during this meal. A typical Brazilian breakfast consists of bread and butter, and milk, coffee or some juice. If you have this for breakfast, you will spend something about U$ 2.00 or U$ 3.00.

    Lunch is our main meal, and its cost vary considerably depending on the quality of the restaurant you choose. The cheapest restaurants charge from U$ 3.00 to U$ 5.00 for the meal, but the quality isn't worth it if you can afford something better.

    At ordinary restaurants, you will pay something between U$ 7.00 and U$ 12.00 for it. You can eat well at those restaurants - it's possible find several all you can eat restaurants in Brazilian cities charging this much.

    At fancy restaurants, prices vary a lot - at most of them, lunch costs range between U$ 25.00 and U$ 50.00.

    At a McDonald's restaurant, the price of a sandwich, French fries and a large glass of soda is about U$ 8.00. Every big city in Brazil has a McDonald's franchise. It is also common to find Bob's and Pizza Hut, besides some other international franchises.

    As for dinner, it depends strongly on what you will choose. Prices of pizza in big cities are usually between U$ 10 and U$ 30. In small towns, they are usually cheaper - between U$ 4.00 and U$ 15.00. You can easily find hamburgers and hot dogs (U$ 2.00 to U$ 6.00, usually) on streets and snack bars, and many other kinds of food you can have for dinner.

    A taxi ride ranges from U$ 5.00 (very short distances) to U$ 25.00, when the taxi driver doesn't deceive you. It is not rare to see a taxi driver trying to fool foreigners: instead of taking the shortest ways, they drive through a more distant way, so as to charge more from tourists. Open your eyes and try to bargain whenever they try to charge more than U$ 30 for a city ride - it is not a fair price.

    If you need any help, make contact with me! I would be pleased to give you more information. It is good for me to practice my English.

  3. It is very cheap to purchase things out there, except for electronics...Just think - a dollar here is worth 3 times more in Brazil.

  4. five cagillian dollars...i spent 15 mamillion years.

  5. you should count with about 10 reais for a good breakfst and about 30 reais for a meal in a nice restaurant incl. drink and coffee, or about 15 reais if you eat in the self service restaurantes spread out the town  *talking about Sao Paulo as I dont know which city you are going to.

    things are not so cheap in brazil as they used to be, as the real has appreciated considerably since 2003 agains the usd. still you can find cheap clothes in the popular neighborhoods for such articles. If you are trying to save money never buy stuff in the shopping malls or at the airports, are they are always more expensive.

    Again, the prices may vary a lot from city to city. Sao Paulo and Rio are the most expensive ones. Have a good trip.

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