
Have you ever been to disney world? How much was it? Did you have fun?

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  1. it is pretty expensive but if you live in florida you get discounts. and personallly i love it but the lines r long or can be very long.

    i love splash mountain and like the roller coaster ride try animal kingdom thats pretty cool they have a  really big cool roller coaster call mt everest and they have a congo river rapid ride and a buinch of stuff its cool

    hope i helped.

  2. i going next week i know its gonna 2 b fun my aunt went when she was in high skool she said she had tons and tons of fun i think its worth the money if ur with family

  3. I have been to Disney World several times. We usually try to keep our budget under $2k but last time we went all out. I don't even want to know how much we ended up spending!

    We had an awesome time exploring the parks. Since we went with our kids (toddlers) we mostly stayed on the kiddie rides. We did get to ride some of the thrill rides but we mostly just wanted to keep everyone together. One of the best things that we did was the Ohana character breakfast at the Polynesian. My daughter got to lead a little parade with Stitch! It was too cute. On another day, we got to ride up front in the monorail! The kids thought that it was just awesome. My kids love Disney World and cannot wait to go back!

  4. i have been a bunch of times. and if you have an open mind you can always find something new. when i was a kid it was all about the dark rides. Pirates, Peter Pan... then i was all about the thrill rides: the mountains (space, thunder, splash and now Everest), tower of terror, rock and roller coaster... now i still enjoy those things but it's cool to see kids first trip there and see their smiles. and now i appreciate and enjoy the shows and musicians that perform through out the park. plus all the actors, acrobats, etc. that are there. and just the way the place is decorated and designed. i was in such a rush to get on as many rides as possible that i never paid attention to how well kept the place is. considering the thousands of people that walk through the gates every day.

  5. listen man, i went wen i was 14 nd it was one of the most fun weeks of my life.  You just gootta letthe themed cheesy stuff take you, you know?  Don't lok at something and think its just stupid and kiddy, u wont have fun that way, u really gotta go with it.  The themed rides are truly amazing (most of them).  Make sure to go on all the big ones especially, tower of terror, rock'n rollercoaster, splash mountain, space mountain, expedition everest (my favorite), the muppets show, lights motors action, indiana jones, star tours, etc.  Just basically the big ones are great rides and incredibly well themed because theyre so ridiculously high budget.  But then there are rides like Stitch's great escape which they made lilo and stitch themed prolly cuz it was scaring too many kids, and now it's not fun, so dont judge by rides like that and toy story.  ALso i forgot, go on haunted mansion, except i havent been on the newly redone one, and they might have ruined it.  Also to make any disney world trip complete, go to universal studios for one full day.  Make sure u have tickets to both universal parks which are right next to each other, u can do both in a day.  So do dueling dragons there, and the hulk, and the mummy, and the simpsons ride just opened. Have fun!

  6. Plenty of times, I used to live right near it, we used to go for free, but it costs around $50 to $100 dollars, it's really expensive, no, I never had fun. We were poor, and I never got anything I wanted. You'll have fun if you have money.

  7. if ur over 13, or if ur not a parent taking their kid or something, u prolly wont have as much fun. especially since its more expensive.

    go to universal studios if u can. its AMAZING.

  8. ive been to Magic Kingdom, Epcot, And MGM (hollywood studios) and it is really fun  since im a Florida Resident i got a 1 day park hopper for $85.00.If you are a tourist you have to pay like $71.00 a person per park and $120.00 for a park hopper.

  9. 1. Yes I have -- like three times.

    2. Not sure, mine was paid =)

    3. For the first time, I had really fun. The vacation was a family trip, so Disney fitted the bill. Eventually when I kept coming back to Disney, it bored me to death -- especially since I was around like 23445345 whining kids who are complaining about the heat.

    If only I was with my friends, I would've definetly have fun! I'm a teenager by the way...

    But overral, I would say that Disney is a great place to visit.. if you want to spend time with your family and have some fun adventures.

    You should definetly visit during the Fourth of July week. Its really awesome! That was the most beautiful/best thing I've ever seen!

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