
Have you ever been to germany and how was it??

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Have you ever been to germany and how was it??




  1. I was stationed in Germany for three years I would have to say it was the best years of my life, I traveled all over from Berlin to Muchin (German Fest) and the sites were breath taking If you are thinking of going plan on enjoying the food drink and fine company of the German people just make sure you attempt to speak their language even if your bad at it, it will set the tone and they will help you more and they deserve that respect

  2. i was born there and have been back several times. its pretty awsome, the air is so much cleaner, people might seem rude, but they're very impersonal with people they dont know, so dont take it personally. very beautiful place to go.

  3. I was in germany for 2 weeks, I really wish i could have stayed longer. I did not get to see everything I wanted to see. If I could pack up and live there I would,

    I went to the castles neuschawnstein and others, went to the alps. gorgeous country, and lots to learn, very historical and beautiful

    It was well worth the money spent, and if you have the opprotunity to go, please do it. It was the vacation of a lifetime!!!!!

  4. i went to berlin in august. it was really something else to see all the wonderful sites, but people there can be very rude to foreigners especially americans. and it's very helpful if you know some german or at least bring a german dictionary with. berlin is a huge city so i only got to see the main points like the brandenburg gate and triumph tower but it's definetly worth the trip.

  5. I love Berlin so much I moved here.  The people are very rarely rude but they are formal in their manner of address with people they are not familliar with.  A little German goes a long way.  No, definately not rude, unless of course you are from the U.S. and don't understand things like protocol.

  6. Lots of fun and things to see and do.  Bring a translation book and when speaking to the Germans try to speak their language first.  Almost all Germans speak english, but most are afraid to try.  If you attempt their language almost all with work their english.  Read up on some of the customs they have like Stammtische, greatings etc... can save you some embarrassment and GREATLY improve you stay.

  7. I visited Germany during most of the World Cup.  Best experience of my life!  Definitely go to Koln (fav city), Munchen, and Berlin.  Germany is the best country for beer!  Drinking age is only 16 (This is where I had my first beer).  I would love to go again.  Great experience.  Such an interesting country.  No speed limits (autobahn).  Though watch out for smokers (they are everywhere).  There are smoking vending machines on the sidewalk.  Apparently Germany is a smoker's haven since the government does not crack down on it.  That was the only bad thing about Germany.

  8. Lovely country, worth spending more than two weeks. I was born and raised there, but then moved to Canada.

    They may not seem too friendly towards strangers. Often, you will be surprised how unfriendly a waitress in a pub may seem or the person behind the counter, but it is not a service-oriented country and people get by that way. In the end, it needs a bit of time to get close with people, but after that first hump you can make very reliable friends for life.

    Other than that, you can see a lot of history and beautiful things - landscape and buildings, sculptures and people (lots of people, it is densely crowded).

    Travelling is quick and affordable by bus and train, a very common and flexible way of commuting, unlike in Northamerica. Riding the car is expensive due to high gasoline prices. Bikelanes are different and need to be respected by pedestrians and drivers! A good tour guide (Go Germany used to be good for Northamericans) can taylor your expectations and what to look for.

    The Euro is at a fairly expensive rate at the moment, though, which would make a trip now one for thicker wallets.

    Pickpockets in certain cities and areas, rarely ever are weapons used in robberies, though. Don't push your luck, though. Crime rates are extremely low in comparison to the average U.S.A. and not much else is comparable. Don't expect to find everything you have at home there or to go shopping on a Sunday.

  9. Germany is bueatiful, the culture is wonderful and the beer is fantastic!  I was stationed there for 2 years.  I had a lot of fun and learned a lot of things as well.

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