
Have you ever been told you speak loudly?

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Do you realize that you are yelling when people tell you that? I am really not trying to be a smart alick but I have a co-worker that literally yells when she gets excited or worked up. I wonder if she realizes that she is very very loud! I can't ask her obviously :-)




  1. im sooooo loud lol i know it and im okay with it LOLOLOL

  2. I have two co-workers like yours. One of them automatically raises her voice 10 octaves every time she answers the phone. Perhaps she had a lousy phone when she was growing up that you had to shout into? But it is very disrupting to me and other co-workers. We have complained to the boss and it quiets down for a few days, but then just comes back. And I have told them both to quiet down on several occasions. It seems that some people just have loud voices. Just keep reminding them and hopefully you will get a few peaceful days here and there....

  3. i sometimes talk so quik no-ones has a clue wat i am saying !

  4. I have been told I do this.  I can not help it.  My voice just gets louder when I'm either excited or trying to make a point.  Your co-worker is probably the same way.  It just happens.

  5. no, but my husband yells all the time and insists he is not...and all 4 of the other family members tell him he does, so we all can't be wrong...try taping her with one of those voice recorders!!! I'm going to do it to my hubby to show him!  oh, most people that do it come from a large family or an Italian or ethnic background where they escalate their voices, and don't even realize it...My spouse is...

  6. Yes, I do speak loudly too. I think it comes from two things. One is I do a lot of professional speaking, so I have been taught to project my voice. The other is that my husband is a bit hard of hearing, so I have to speak loudly regularly in order for him to understand me. As a result, I tend to do it in other situations even when it isn't necessary.

  7. Not me, but I have a friend who was my co-worker at my last job and she was LOOOOUD.. OMG poor thing, we were always shushing her because our office was so small it was hard to hold a phone conversation while hearing her loud speaker on.  Not only was she loud, but she cussed allot too and would always get in trouble.  She would laugh about it and make jokes, but she really did feel bad because she said she couldn't help it.  She would try to speak softly but before she knew it, she was rattling the walls again!! lol!!

    I'm sure your co-worker knows, it's just out of her control.  Allot of people do get louder with emotion or stress.  My sister does it when she's pissed, she starts yelling like a mad woman. We all just hold our ears and squirm until she sees our reactions and gets the hint....most of the time.

  8. I don't speak very loudly, but my fiance and his parents are the loudest people I've ever met.  When my fiance talks sometimes I have to ask him to stop yelling in my ear.  He's also one of those people who talks really loud on his cellphone.  Frequently I have to remind him that it's 2008 and he doesn't have to bark into the phone as if he were talking into two cans and a string.  His dad is the worst.  You could hear him talking over a block away.  Literally, I'm not joking.  I was walking their dog once and was over a block away from their house and could hear him talking to someone on the front porch.

    They don't realize they are doing it.  So I always joke with them that I'm only 2 feet away from them, not 2000.  They have a good sense of humor and even make fun of themselves for it, so it's okay.

  9. nope, I've been told many many many times that my voice is naturally quiet and unfortunatley, in a loud crowded room when all I want to do is get by I feel like I HAVE to practically scream 'excuse me' cause they didn't hear me the other 20 times i said it.

  10. My husband tells me to be quiet all the time.  He's not being mean or rude, just trying to let me know.

  11. My fiance tells me I talk loud all the time but I can't help it. I'm a teacher and I have to project my voice.

  12. nope

  13. yeah ill be telling a story n people are like "why are u yelling?"

  14. lol yea! but i think its because of my ipod. i turn the volume up pretty loud. so therefore, im becoming deaf. and therefore, i talk loud =]

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