
Have you ever been too ......?

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France or Italy? im going this summer (: and my question is, what to bring with me for everyday item to carry in my tote while im walking around the cities. What did you bring? And if you know anything about the weather there, that would be great too. im super excited, so if you have any stories or tips, or anything you want to tell me, i would love to hear them (: thanks!♥




  1. 30 years ago you could buy this book called "Lets go Europe"It was kind of the travelers Bible.You could plan your budget around it;10-20or 30 dollars a day.Where to go,eat and what to wear where.Also if you are planing to go all over Europe a Eurail-pass or an Inter-rail ticked would be a good way to travel.You will meet lots of really cool people on your way.If you plan to fly around Europe Ryan Air and Easy  Jet have very good deals.You can go from London to Venice for as little as 25 dollars.I hope you will enjoy your travels.I started in 1978 and i am still on the road.

  2. hi !

    I love paris and... i live there !

    So if you go there in summer it probably will be quite hot ( it was last summer).

    You don't NEED anything special ! i mean just take what you take everyday! and you could always buy something there !

    And there are loads of stuff to do! You could do the "bateau mouche", go to the louvre, to the "place vendôme", to the "champs élysées",to the eiffel tower of course...

    I live not far from the "place de la bastille" which is quite famous i think.

    Well there is a lot to do here !

    I'm sorry i don't know anything about Italy but friends of mine who went there loved it !

    Aurevoir !

  3. Denim fits in anywhere in Europe

    a lot of light layers can be added or removed easily for warmth/comfort - it is common to see sweaters off but tied around shoulders or waists - if you have a tote you can carry a complete wardrobe (not really but almost)

    anything you carry is going to get very heavy - backpacks and f***y packs are very popular

    keep a bottle of water with you all the time - sometimes hard to find and sometimes VERY expensive

    keep a small roll of toilet paper with you - you are used to what you normally use and will prefer it

    try to speak the local language - just making the attempt is appreciated by locals and they will be more willing to attempt your language

  4. Yes to both countries, I was in the Navy then. Depends on the exact time of summer. You may want a sweater if it's cool at nights, and as mentioned sunglasses would be nice. Don't forget your camera either!

  5. visit the colosseum if ur interested...I went n thought it was awesome! dependin on whether ur interested in history and stuff the Vatican is good (i found it pretty borin tho!) france has nice wee cafe's :D

  6. About France.

    Number 1, the French put great store in politeness.

    Always explain that you dont speak French,(if you dont), and try and learn the words for- Please, sil vous plait - Thankyou, Merci, and other like polite words.

    Number 2, always eat in a place that has quite a few French people eating there. That means you wont get ripped off in the tourist places.

    Number 3, if you have any problems, just tell them you are from Scotland (L'eccosse), as I am afraid they dont particularly like the English.

  7. I went to Italy! Here's the 411, there are a lot of pickpockets and I almost got robbed. Keep your bag as close to you as possible. You have to visit the Vatican (there is usually a long line there so be patient), Trevi Fountain, Leaning Tower of Pisa, and the Tuscany (there is much more so don't just rely on this). It is pretty warm in the summer there and very humid. Always pack sunscreen the sun is strong. In Italy, all I ate was pizza and gelato, it's cheap and tasty. The pizza is not like the one we get in American it's better and the gelato is better and has less fat. A lot of people know some English there so, the language barrier won't be that much like in Spain. Just learn a few phrases and you will be fine. Oh, the hotel rooms are really small there and expensive. Try to book something in between. Buy a Rick Steves' book on Italy and France, it really helps. Hope this helps you and have a great time!

  8. i'd bring sunglasses to help protect from the sun and suntan lotion

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