
Have you ever been touched by an atheist? ?

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  1. religion is not a subject that comes up at such a time as this.

  2. My main man you have some problems with touched?

  3. nope. ive only known about two besides myself. and i neither "touched" them nor did they "touch" me

  4. TMI

  5. All the time.

  6. Yeah he took me for 30 bucks

  7. Hmmm...I thought everyone had been touched by an atheist? Aren't all atheists urologists and proctologists?

  8. No but Ive been touched by a Catholic priest.

  9. Just last night by my hot new wife!  (Although I heard her scream "Oh God" at least three Im not sure about her atheistic status.)  


    I'm an atheist .I am not afraid of the h**l that your religion has invented

    and do not understand why you hate us so much? .I  have a Baptist friend who I am continually arguing with about creationism and inteliigent design (there is no proof) ,she gave me a book about science of jesus there was no science in it .In fact it had references to the evil of atheism in it too. Evolution has proof in fossils etc .What proof is there for ID? (The book gives supposed arguments,but they are not backed up by sound evidence which is what science is)  

  11. Oddly enough, I've never dated an atheist.  So I've only been touched by Christians.  Unless I have to count myself, that is.

  12. yes, but i return the favor by going to uranus

  13. yes, i touch myself and my boyf gets to touch me too

    its fun, you shoudl try it....LET ME TOUCH YOOOUUU!!!!!!!!!!

  14. My atheist father started molesting me when I was nine, does that count?

  15. Yes I have!

  16. Yes, when those who i have called friend realize, usually in the last week or so,  they are dieing, ask me to pray for/with them.

    It is vary touching! COL

  17. Many times. Never gets old.

  18. she touches me in funny places :0

  19. Not often enough.

  20. yup!

  21. If you count myself, then yes plenty.

  22. I have been touched by an Ex-Athiest!

  23. Hah, Hah, Hah!!!

    There are a few  females on this forum who have been touched by ME, improperly!!!

  24. Yep

  25. no...i tend to slap them away...

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