
Have you ever been trapped in a room while someone was watching Star Trek reruns? Oh, it's Next Generation..?

by Guest32689  |  earlier

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Have you ever been trapped in a room while someone was watching Star Trek reruns? Oh, it's Next Generation..?




  1. PLEASE....Feed us and give us Star Trek!!

    The Sith is making our lives h**l and it IS Labor Day. Please give us just a little food.  

  2. how about a Laurel & Hardy Marathon .... Is it any wonder why I'm a nutter!

  3. No. The moment I find out that its Star Trek related the TV is going through the person's skull. I would much rather carve things into the wall than watch that pathetic excuse of a space excursion.  

  4. Let us watch! It could be your gift to us for Labor Day. All we get to watch down here is the sith try to eat us.

    PS Will you feed him already?

  5. No, but my husband has.  (wink)

  6. Lmfao. My grandad bums Star Trek. He was trying to get me into it, and I had to seemed interested because he seemed to really like spending time with me. But my god it was torture haha.

  7. Yes I agree !  It could be worse............................

    Every episode of some daytime soap on an endless loop!!!


    Watching some of the early Star Treks is funny, See how they have aged.  And the acting before they got used to their characters.

  8. Valkyrie, it could be much worse.

    It could be reruns of "Lost in Space", or the original "Battlestar Galactica", or "Buck Rogers"...

  9. That sounds like pure torture...

    I think I would poke my own eyes out

  10. The scariest TV is everything that came out of the 70's.

  11. Hey, what's wrong with Star Trek, the Next Generation?

  12. my brother in law used to make me watch old Kung-Foo stuff..I probably spelled that wrong...

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