
Have you ever been truly homeless (on street) with nobody, I mean NOBODY to turn to? How did you make it back

by Guest55801  |  earlier

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Once you are down and out and there is noone to turn to, no phone, no shower, no food, how do you make it back to living rather than existing.





  1. I am truly sorry you are going through this.

    My husband and I both have experinced this about 3 yrs ago.

    We had no one to help us at the time and none of my husbands relatives would help.

    He has a seizure problem and we had to sleep out in our truck for over two months before help arrived, but this was after we both winded up in the hospital sick from dehydration.

    We both were studying the scriptures and was planning on getting baptised when the time was right.

    We never lost faith and continued to study the Bible and gain strength from God's words, this is what helped us through our hardship.

    We both are on disability and due to having physical illnesses, still this didn't stop the one that helped us from the beginning after the mother died, kicked us out.

    That is okay, cause this made us stronger and has prepared us for what is to come in the near future.

    None of us has really seen hard times yet!, but they are coming and the Bible speaks of these times that we are now living in.

    So if we do not lose faith in Jehovah God, and continue trusting in him and learn what he requires of us, he will as he promised sustain us.

    I know that you are having a difficult time, but if you can put your faith in the word of God as we did, he will comfort you and help you if you will ask him from your heart.

    When I was flat on my back and could not get up, God sent a helper to help us get a place in low income housing, cause we could not afford anything else.

    This person came to us and took the time to get the paperwork and help us fill out some and then return the paperwork back to the place which he got them, so we could have a chance to get a apartment.

    This was a dear elder of our now congregation.  My husband and I are now baptised witnesses of Jehovah God and still continue to try and serve God to the best of our ability, even though it is hard to get out and walk as I used to.

    But we try and preach the good news as health permits us.

    We love to tell people about God and what he has promised us all, if only we will listen to his word the Bible.

    We are not trying to push anything on anyone that doesn't want to hear.

    I know that some may think so, cause we continue knocking on their door,but the reason for that is that people and situtions change over time.

    Many have found that we are not there to harm them, but to show them what the Bible really say's and because Jehovah God sent us to help these lost one's in order that they may learn of him and live.

    God does not desire anyone to be destroyed, but come to repentance and be saved.

    If he did not love you, he would not want the good news of his kingdom to be known now would he?

    But because he does love each and every one of us and wants us to gain the knowledge of him so we may live forever in the new kingdom here on earth just as Jesus foretold.

    We all have this promise and we can gain this knowledge by studing his word the Bible.

    That way we will find out what we must do and what he requires of us in order to gain that everlasting life Jesus speaks of.

    So we can arm ourselves with the word and wisdom of the scriptures and gain the love of Jehovah God and make Satan a lier that he is.

    God doesn't promise us an easy life here on earth now, but he does promise that as long as we gain this love for him through his word and learn what he wants and exspects from us and live according to his commandments, and love him with all our heart and mind and soul, then we and gain his blessing's.

    But to gain these blessing's, we must put faith in him,that he is and he is the rewarder of them who honestly seek him and the truth.

    So dear please don't give up and turn to God for he is the hearer of all prayer's, but you must ask in Jesus name.

    For if you truly seek him with a sincere heart and trust him, he will send you a helper as he did us.

    But watch out, cause Satan is just one step behind you and waiting to snatch the truth away from you.

    Once you receive the word of God, hold on to it with all your heart and might, cause God's enemy is the devil and is waiting close by to steal it away from you, and cause you to lose out on the real life.

    So don't give up hope, pray and he will hear and you are not alone as you might think.

    God see's all thing's even that which is in secret.

    Man will let you down, but God will never leave you as long as you are honest and sincerely want his help.

    But be careful and be sure what you say to him is from the heart and not for the wrong reason's.

    For he knows what you have need of before you ask and know your motives.

    But he want's us to come to him with a repentant heart and ask.

    He says those who ask in secret, will receive openly.

  2. Getting a job was the key.  I washed dishes and got a little free food.  The first time you have money in your pocket , you know you will make it. .

  3. I was kicked out at 13. I was so young and had to do things i don't like thinking about now. I hung around my neighborhood, near my family for a long time.I had nothing and at a low point i found myself sleeping in an old tin shack in my families back yard ( cuddled up with the dogs) I was found and forcibly put out of the yard. I had no money, no food, no friends, no family, i was dirty and so tired! It never occurred to me to call the police, i was too young to know about my rights, so i just went. Anyways i got mad and started thinking and found family that would take me in. It never lasted and i ended up on the street again, mostly because my family would make trouble when they found out where i was. years went by and i met my husband, he built me back up, and i have been fighting that time in my life ever since! There were so many times when i was completely alone in the world, and at those times i had a deep feeling of peace come over me, i was comforted and held. I don't doubt now that it was God but at the time i never questioned it, i just took strength and kept trying, kept walking, kept asking, kept believing i would make it!  And i DID! I hope this helped, it is a very painful subject and too complex to cover everything.

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