
Have you ever been underestimated from better players...?

by  |  earlier

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if yes, what did you done, to show them that you are not in a low level?

because they think that i'm i a low level but they hadn't see my vertical high jump......i think its 50 inches ...really!!!!




  1. being an underdog isn't that bad. you could really use it to your advantage and knock them off their feet. also, if you have it, flaunt it! 50 inches is impressive. never feel underestimated again, aryt? only you know how good you are. they just don't have a clue. goodluck!

  2. try and get into a pickup game with these higher players. If they truly think you are that bad it they will pick u last (this is good because they already think you are bad so you have nothing to prove which means you can play your game). Now all You have to do is shine during the game, show them your skill and your 50 inch vert. They will realize they had made a mistake in underestimating you the whole time.

  3. be friendly, and act confident! give it your all. you will make mistake, but you will do well if you learn from them! show off your skills and vertical jump! ;]

  4. i have plenty of times, my teamates thoguht i couldnt set, get a kill, or serve

    looking at the game i palyed yesterday, they were suprised and proud.

    i facial the opponent's libero, got 5 aces in a row, got an assist, a nice approach.

  5. Underestimation can happen because a variety of things. They may underestimate you because of height, body type, different way of doing things or a different way of acting. Actions speak louder than words. Your play should speak for itself, so be confident and just play. Don't expect a huge..ohhh he/she is better than we thought. It is more likely that acceptance of your ability will be slow and steady as you remain a consistent good player. Team cohesion is just as important as any other skill on the court, so be sure to talk it up, call the ball and be aggressive. Your vertical is a great asset and it provides for a greater potential, but it doesn't determine your volleyball ability. It is what you do with that vertical and what your overall volleyball skills are that determines you are a higher level player

  6. Funny thing is that I've never been underestimated by better players but I'm very often underestimated by those who are NOT as good as I am.  I guess only mature players are humble and respect other players.  If they look down at you when you're not bad at all, don't even try to impress them.  It's not worth your effort.  They will always think that they're much better no matter how well you play.  It's not what you can prove to them but something that's embedded in their heads.

    In my college club team, everyone else was better than I was but they always complimented on my skills and said I was making good contribution to the team.  Now, I'm playing in a club where most players don't even have good basic skills but about half of them think that they're better than I am.  I don't know how this is even possible but maybe, they compare their best plays to my worst ones.  It doesn't bother me at all because it's not my problem but their inability to know the truth.  So, I don't try to impress anybody, I just play hard to be the best I can be.

  7. just try your best and play in front of them a lot

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