
Have you ever been weirded-out that you are conscious and self aware?

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Have you ever stopped and gone into a deep, semi-dazed, introspection and thought "Am I really conscious and self-aware? Forming thoughts and absorbing senses?" The feeling of existence suddenly seems surreal and impossible and feels as if it shouldn't be happening.




  1. I tend to have that reaction more when I look around and realize things exist. I do not believe in God, but I want to. Anyway, I will be driving and looking at the trees, and then start thinking about the big bang creating elements, and how some forms stars, and then the stars became supernovas which is what creates heavier elements like gold and lead, and carbon and oxygen, etc...and then eventually earth was formed then molecules, and some become trees, some became people, etc and it overwhelms me...and when you break it all down it is all atoms, which when broke down is all protons, neutrons and electrons, and the break some of it down more and you have quarks and other subatomic particles....etc

    Anyway, then I wonder why? like why did those little subatomic particles become trees and people and stuff. Also, why is there anything at all? Why isn't there just NOTHINGNESS?

    Anyway, to answer your question...yes I have felt that way...existence does seem impossible when I actually think about it

  2. yea actually i have

    sometimes i would be alone and think to myself "i ACTUALLY exist"

    i dont know its weird

  3. Yep - used to happen when I was younger :)

    I used to have exactly the same feeling you describe - suddenly sort of "outside looking in", aware of where you are and who you are , but not feeling like "yourself" always used to pass pretty quickly though - a few seconds and then back to being "me".

    No idea what caused it and as I've got older and life has got more complicated and busy, I've found that it has stopped almost completely. I don't think it's happened for years but I remember numerous incidences from childhood up to my late teens/early adulthood.

    It is pretty weird though, but doesn't seem to have done me any harm :D

  4. Yeah I feel emo sometimes too.

  5. When I used to do LSD. Ha,ha! Or sleep-deprived. Or overly hungry. Or angry to the point of blowing my top. Or really lonely and feeling all alone in the world. I got psychological help. You need to learn how to feel grounded. Sometimes checking out of reality for a short period may be good for you. Who knows?

  6. oh, all the time.

    my invisible friend thinks so too.

  7. yeah that happens to me a lot lol

    i think it's called being delusional

  8. I think this is a good think to do, the key to knowing others is first knowing yourself.

    I have a website that deals with this that you might find interesting.

    Good luck

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