
Have you ever been worried someone would think you are g*y..?

by  |  earlier

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... just by looking at you? I never really worry about it too much (a lot of people know, but not just everyone), but sometimes I wonder if other people are wondering about me. For example: yesterday I overheard this straight girl I know remark on how "petite" I am. Well, does that mean she thinks I'm g*y or just that she's jealous because I'm skinny and she's a chunk?

She's constantly coming on to me and telling me it's my fault she likes me for my "being so pretty". WTF!? Wouldn't that make her a L*****n in a way? Ugh! I don't want that d**n thing in my face. If I did then I'd have a Chia Pet Chicken Pot Pie in my kitchen!

Thank you for listening.




  1. Err, I'm slightly confused by the last paragraph with referencing to Chia Pets and pot pies, but I'll attempt to answer any way.

    Yes, I have often wondered if people can tell I'm g*y just by looking at me. Before I began to accept myself, I was very self-conscious about the way I looked. I knew how I felt on the inside, and somehow I thought that people must have been able to see everything I tried to hide. Now, I don't really care anymore. If they wonder, they wonder...good for them. I am who I am.  

  2. oh it was a constant thing when I was closeted. I would overcompensate by talking about how much i hated g**s or something to make people think otherwise. i wished I knew what I did now, about how ridiculous it was and how ridiculous it made me sound

  3. In certain situations I have worried about it.  

  4. some of my friends think im g*y [and their right =D]

  5. No

  6. yup /=

  7. I really don't care, but if i had to worry I'd be worried guys think I'm straight

    BTW, you need to CALM down. You sound SO paranoid. When a girl calls you petite she just means your tiny/thin. She could possibly be jealous that you're thin and she is not. And she just complimented you, granted it's not the manliest of compliments but you could just be a pretty boy [delicate features, like a puppy dog, cute.. it doesn't make you a girl and her a L*****n idk how you got to that scenario]

  8. I have exactly the opposite problem for some reason. I want people to think I'm g*y, because I am g*y and I want people to see me for what I am. I assume that people think I'm g*y and conduct my business as if people already know, but whenever sexuality comes up in conversation I am always told that noone ever suspected me. I have had jobs where I tell people that I am g*y and my coworkers don't believe me (one girl even sent in a "spy" to flirt with me so I would reveal myself). So go figure.

  9. Yes, when I was in the closet, I worried all the time. Now I could care less.


  10. Ok, well first of all I'm a L*****n, but let's look at the facts ...

    Your profile:

    "am interested in horticulture/plants/la... cute guys, ghosts, particle physics, flavourdynamics, music, reading, photography, cute guys, mystery stories, Godzilla movies, Cheetos and did I say cute guys?"

    Your previous question was about liking the Powerpuff Girls ... dude, everyone knows you're g*y when you like particle phyics and Powerpuff Girls!

  11. LOL!!!!

    Well be flatter if people like you. And is not that they think you are g*y... They just are mad cause they cant have you! LOL!!!! ;D

  12. I wish I looked more g*y. I also wish I knew what a chia pet chicken pot pie was.

  13. nah i look g*y, and thats ok with me

    i really couldnt care less if people in public think/know im g*y, as long as they dont come up to me and give me ****

    so im pretty much "out" if someone asked me i would tell them the truth..only my family doesnt know

  14. uh...yeah, i don't like it when i feel people are starting to doubt, most of the time i fly below the radar, but people wonder about why i know the lyricsto songs a guy shouldnt know haha

    you're caddy like a girl

    "shes a chunk" and calling her a chicken pot pie...if you're this sassy in person then she has a good reason to think you're g*y. also by the way you post questions you sound g*y

    i dunno what she ws trying to say when she said you were petite and you look like a girl? she sounds annoying, she might want you

  15. I don't worry because I'm not very feminine so I fit in.

  16. Nope, I don't worry about someone thinking I'm g*y...I'm not open about my sexuality as much..alot of people think I'm straight if they look at me. I wonder about it too at times, and I'm sure I've dropped hints, but eh it doesn't bother me.

  17. yea i do all the time

  18. Lol. Ya i wonder sometimes but i think for me its being paranoid because when i told my friends they nearly fell off their chairs in disbelief but they were cool about it. I guess i just don't come off as g*y and that leads to similar problems at university with girls who like me lol :-)

  19. yes.. I am not in the closet with mom but with people from school yes..

  20. yes, especially when i was in high school.  

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