
Have you ever bitten into a hot dog that had veins in it?

by Guest32674  |  earlier

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Have you ever bitten into a hot dog that had veins in it?




  1. No. That's just rude. You must be gentle with the hot dog, especially if you don't want your ears boxed.

  2. no.

    but i will never eat ham time at school the cafeteria was serving hot ham and cheese sandwiches...i got one and sat down.i cut it in half with a knife and went to bite into it when i saw a VEIN in the was DISGUSTING!!

  3. urk - it is only 9am in the civilised side of the world and I haven't had breakfast yet!

    Thanks for making me retch!!

    And for the record it is not considered polite to bite when confronted by a veiny hotdog. I believe the owners become quite upset.

  4. Once when I was a teenager and had too much tequila..

  5. no but there was what looked to be a rats a­ss in a burger once.

  6. eewwww, no thank god

  7. no but stack that up to yet another reason I don't eat hot dogs YUCK

  8. no veins, but bone chunks....

  9. yo that is digusting and i have never had a hot dog so ummm yahh.

  10. EWWW omg that is so gross. lol

    maybe if u have bitten into one that had veins u should hav checked it wasnt still breathing? (if it was running around and wouldnt stay still then it was still alive) best not eats those typesn but hey who am i to judge

  11. Perhaps you are getting your "dogs" confused. Some hot dogs are still made with casings formed from pigs' inner digestive tracts. Except they call those food items sausages or polish sausages. Modern day hot dogs are made with more refined casings or skins. Besides it takes a dog to know how to eat a hot dog!! thanks.  LJK.

  12. What? veins? that's a a certainly weird question, but no I haven't.

  13. Everything in a hot dog is so ground up,like puree.But I hope never to find any veins in any of my meat,especially hot dogs.I'll say a big no.

  14. no

  15. That one has never happened to me and I do eat my share of hot dogs.

  16. ....serves me right ... it wasn't tenderized enough first ... here bring me the mallet.

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