
Have you ever bought a house in Brazil ?

by  |  earlier

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Could you share your experience/s ?.. bad or good? I'm searching for as much info as possible online.. but its very limited.

feel free to email as well .. i would love to talk.

Muito Obrigada





  1. Yes I bought a house in Brazil and it was a good experience.  I bought it from an English guy moving back to the UK.  2 years later I sold it and made a profit of 100K in USD.  If you are not from brazil be careful though.  Those guys can be tricky with money.  Not the Brazilian people who are wonderful but the government and the bank.  They will tax you at ever moment of the way.  If this money you are trying to invest is all the money you have, stay away from Brazil.  If this money is extra and you dont mind if it gets tied up or taxed up then go ahead and invenst there.  All the laws there are against foreigners.  Other than that, pick a nice location with security and the value of your home should go up with time.  If you have any questions, comments or concerns please do not hesistate to contact me.

  2. Well I  have never lived in Brazil but i guess.  It would be very tropical. It depends on were you want it. You should try e bay . though i dont think  youll get wat u want.

  3. Sure! It's nice clean and very good.

    Where you want buy some house?

  4. Yes, my friend did and she said that the houses are so beautiful and you would not feel like you have to leave Brazil.

    contact me at:


  5. there're many sites......


    i'm serching for a house  myself..........

    *these sites are for Rio de janeiro!!!!

  6. Oi!tudo bem?Obrigado pelos pontos.

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