
Have you ever burst into laughter for absolutely no reason?

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I just did it now. There was nothing to laugh at, I just went off for no reason. Am I going mad or has this happened to anybody else?




  1. no i havent, but my daughter did the other day when i stubbed me toe!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Mwahahahah!

    No, never, not me matey.

  3. Yes, the other mourners weren't too happy thou.

  4. Laughter is the best remedy for almost anything.

  5. Laughter is one of the body's natural way to take stress away. I know alot of people that will laugh when they feel stressed, or when they are put in a defencive position (confronted)...

    When you laugh , your brain releases hormones that you need to feel good (such as dopamine, serotonin and many more...) So, in a way your body is healing itself...Most of the time, this will happend when you are under alot of stress (you may not even notice how stressed you may be unconsious stress: such as sleep deprivation or monthly hormonal changes...)

    Stress is very serious, and we don't think mutch of it cause it's so common these days to be stressed out. But stress can cause many problems: heart problems, high bood pressure, insomnia (or hyposomnia=when you need to sleep all the time...) head aches, theet grinding, indigestion, heart burn/acid reflux, and many more...

    I wouldn't worry about this "natural way" of releasing stress...your body is trying to help you, don't add stress to yourself by thinking you're mad!!LOL

    People should be more like you and laugh stress away!!

    You are normal, don't worry;)

  6. Welcome to my world

  7. It's definitely happened to me upon several occasions. Sometimes the moment was completely inappropriate, too. ;)

  8. Yeah that happens to me most of the time (: usually when im bored

  9. "Were never going to survive unless we get a little crazy"

    No i have not and besides.There is a reason for everything even if we do not see it.

    It takes a lot more then one instance of laughter without an apparent reason to proclaim someone mad so you are safe for now.

  10. lmao, I do that sometimes as well. I think it's because of stress or something related to that, so then your mind responds by making you laugh just to release the stress...and usually it appears as if you're laughing for absolutely no reason.

  11. I have done something allot more bizarre. I was crying and then straight after laughing my head off for no reason!

  12. I do this alot, mainly at work.

    They already know I'm a freak though, so it's ok.

  13. HA HA HA HA  lol rofl lol  ... no not really  ha ha ha

  14. Well, it could get you in trouble and of course it may well be a sign you are losing the plot. Any history of family 'madness'?

    If you laugh at nothing then surely that's slightly worrying?

    Believe me, people will start to back off, see the fear in their eyes.


  15. i do that all the time...i was on my way home from vacation and i was hysterical and it made my parents laugh too

  16. yup

  17. yeah! ive done it befor lol

  18. No, not for nothing! I can think of a good joke that I heard day's ago, and burst out laughing.

  19. Well, I've sat staring at a blank wall laughing my *** off before... but that was with the help of chemicals.

    Perhaps someone just told you a subliminal joke?

  20. Sure, after 3 whiskies anythings possible.

  21. yea i do, and then my mum looks at me like ive lost the plot lol.

  22. ur not the only one dude. sometimes it happens. dont know why? it has happened to me a lot of times and its quite funny.

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