
Have you ever called cps on anyone? Did they reveal who you were?

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Have you ever called cps on anyone? Did they reveal who you were?




  1. they most likely wont if you ask them but dont second guess calling them trust me the kid will appreciate it even if they dont say so right now and if your afraid of another person finding out and hurting you then tell them and the police that you need to be watched and helped as well trust me if anything is happening tell somebody

  2. When my dad called CPS on my mom, a police officer was sent out to my mom's house. My mom said that she suspected that someone was playing a very "perverted" joke, and asked who it was. The cop asked dispatch, and dispatch read my dad's name out loud over the radio.

    I'm not sure it was intentional, but it still happened.

    Needless to say, hatred ensued.

  3. I haven't ever called but I knew a lady who I would babysit for and she was a total mess. Well, someone did call CPS and they were told its all confidential etc. however, when the lady lost her daughter and took it to trial the transcripts and all the reports said exactly who and what the person had said. I think there are times when people have to step in and save these children. I'm a recovering meth addict and I would use with people who had children and it still stays with me what these children saw and went through. I'm ashamed that I was there and a part of it. So I think that CPS is needed when things are not safe. but beware, no matter how confidential or anon. its suppose to be its not. it comes out sooner or later.

  4. no theyre are not allowed to reveal who called. nomatter how much the person asks. its confidential (sp?)

  5. I never have, but know others who have and they don't have to reveal who notified them if you don't want them to.

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