
Have you ever came in contact with a ghost?

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I think I have once.

I was on vacation in Long Island, NY. I usually stay with my grandparents... and their basement is creepy, but I like to go down there sometimes because they have a lot of interesting stuff down there. But I never go alone, I always go when somebody's down there.

One time I was bored and then I heard someone walking in the basement. I went about half way down because the light was on. I peaked over the rail and looked around. I swear I heard HEAVY footsteps down there. At that point I was totally freaked and ran back up. I told my grandma and she told me it might've been someone upstairs.

I told my mom and she said it's an old house and old houses make noises.

I told my dad and he said that when he was little, my grandma's cousin got out of the mental clinic and they let her stay in the basement and then one day she just died down there.

I didn't go down there for a couple of days then after that I went down but I was still scared out of my head...........




  1. nooooooooo u wanna no y cuz they r not real!!every1 nos that duh how old are u??!!

  2. its a jedi mind trick

  3. I've seen ghost before, mostly as a child. I've heard them, I've felt there presence.

  4. they say hello to me sometimes..O_O no lies.

  5. Down to Peggy's Cove, world famous and situated 34 miles S.W. of Halifax in beautiful Nova Scotia, Canada ( far and away the most beautiful Country on this Earth) there is the famous Lady in Bue, the ghost of a woman who lost her sailor-lover, in 1868, to the cruel Sea. She waited days, then weeks and finally months for her lover to return but alas, he ner was to make it back to her loving arms for her embraces and kisses which heretofore had set him aflame wi passion and longing. On ter day before his partng he had told her he would soon return for her heavenly female attentions and bespoke his intent to take her to wife.  Alas! Alas! He went into the Sea on a Starboard gale that swept all before it and for nought were all his promises.

    To this day does she roam the rocks and crevices o' Peggy's Cove, awaiting her true love's return, and dressed forever in her Blue Dress.

    On a Television program on CBC(Canadian Broadcasting Corporation) on July 2007 a group of holidayer's at Peggy's Cove had 43 of 48 people say that they had met everyone on their excursion except the lady at the end of the Cove who seemed aloof and was wearing a beautiful Blue Dress, and had spoken to no one.

  6. no, but I believe they exist. I think that'd be creepy to see one yet a bit interesting

  7. NO, but I do believe they do exist...

  8. i think i have once as well. i was coming home from a party and i went tot the bathroom and thought i saw a bluish green light in a vague figure of a human or somthing. i dont really beleive in ghost, but then and there i didi and was scared until i turned the light on and it vanished. the next day i saw it again. (im never going bak to that hotel. lol)

  9. I'm not sure.  I have encountered strange coincidences before.  There has been times my lights have shut off, my hair has been pulled and my door keeps opening.  Most of this happened at one house that I lived in a few years back.  The hair pulling happens at my husbands uncles house, but they definitly have a ghost.  Everyone there gets there hair pulled at some point and they have told me of other strange things happening.

  10. Yes I've seen ghosts, and they weren't the nice kind either mostly when I was young. My grandmother used to tell me I had "The Sight" she can keep it.

    Heaven and earth do not act from any wish to be benevolent; they deal with all things as the dogs of the grass are dealt with.

  11. yes...many times..they are all aroun d us.

    They let me know and if you dont believe that is what you need to do for yourself./.but that doesnt maek you wrong or crazy to beleive..

    Just before  when you go down there ask the white light to protect you and you'll be fine...

  12. dude that's creepy

    the house I live in is very old and once in awhile we hear heavy footsteps (when nobody else is home)

    I heard little girls laughing and running up and down the stairs (that creep the **** out of me)

    people got their clothes tugged and somebody saw a dude with a top hat

    and sometimes when I look up in the attic it feels like somebody watching.....its a feeling though

  13. Yes. My father rented a house a year ago.The person that owned the house before was a old lady. Nothing bad ever happened there, but sometimes weird things happened when I am home alone. Once, my father was gone and I was watching TV. Then, I heard two loud hissing noises. I sometimes feel  cold spots, too.

  14. Being a paranormal researcher and investigator I come in contact with spirits more often then I care to.... And there are many situations where you can run into a spirit in one's home... Now that does not mean that place could be haunted because many times they are just passing thru..... like there today and gone tomorrow..............................

  15. i've had a few experiences, yours is kinda unspecific though. it coulda been a ghost, or it could've been either you grandma, mom's, or dad's explanations

  16. I believe I have. My aunt's old house is definitely haunted because I used to always hear noises such as footsteps, thuds, etc. and all this stuff happens in the basement. Well one day, just a couple weeks before they moved out, we took footage in the basement and we saw many small orb-like things flying past the camera. My aunt said some was just dust but there were some bigger ones that moved pretty slow and we believe they were actual orbs. Here's the scary we were walking out of the playroom of the basement, we heard a deep voice say something that I couldn't really understand, then it said "Get out!". There was also an occurence a long time ago when my brother spent the night there. Him and my cousin were playing hide-and-seek in the basement (we were pretty young then) and both my brother and cousin said they saw a little girl with a blanket draped over her head and they bolted up the steps afterward. I'm not sure if it's just my brother playing tricks with me though but at the same time, I believe it.

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