
Have you ever caught yourself questioning a purchase at the cash register?

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  1. yes

  2. Sure, sometimes I even just take it off. This is especially true for more expensive items. I always stress about if I really need it. I have found it to be helpful to sleep on it before buying something like that. And also I budget my money so I have a certain amount of money just to blow. That takes some of the guilt out of the purchase of an item I want but don't need since I know my bills are paid and there is money in savings.

  3. Yes and I've discovered the best way to deal with that is if I get a sudden impulse to buy something I leave the store without it.  If in a weeks time I still want it and have the money to spend I'll buy it the next time I'm in the area (no special trips).  Getting away from something I want (but don't need) decreases the desire for it.

    God bless!

  4. Yes, all the time. Those are usually products I never use if I buy them anyway.

  5. I have never done this,i cannot recall a time.

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