
Have you ever challenged a decision made by your council regarding housing benefit?

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I'm a single mum with a 2 year old son

I live in a council house and have always paid full rent and council tax

When my partner and I split up I applied for housing benefit as I thought I may be entitled to something as I only work part time

The council looked at my application then told me there's no way I would be entitled to anything as I earn too much!

They also said my tax credits entitlement was very high but they didn't take into account most of that money pays for my sons nursery

Just want to point out I don't earn a huge amount, far from it in fact

I only work 18 hours a week and increasing my hours is just not an option as that would mean putting my son in nursery even longer which in turn means more money

My rent and council tax bill comes to £600 a month which is a huge chunk out of my wages each month

Have any single parents been in a similar situation?




  1. You can appeal against the decision, you need to do that in writing within 4 weeks of the date you were notified of the decision. Did you provide proof of your child care fees with your application? If not then make sure you provide proof of this with your appeal because you may then be entitled to some help. I work for Housing Benefit department at my local council, if you appeal against the decision somebody else will look at your claim and check that the original decision was correct. I would have thought that as you only work part time and you have a dependant that you would be entitled to something

  2. What a prat Dopel G is. Sounds like you're in a similar situation as my daughter was after her partner topped himself. Her income wasn't enough to cover her costs. After losing her first appeal we found a local charity that supports claimants and they helped, even accompanied her to the next appeal which she won. I think most towns have the charities now, call CAB.

  3. Great isn't it? You are basically in a benefit trap.

    We are in the same boat except I'm married with 2 kids. Because my husbands wages are p**s poor we DO get some tax credits. I took a five year career break from the civil service and returned 2 years ago.

    In the end I was working 5 days a week for 5 hours a day so I could drop and pick up the kids. We were £100 a month better off. Plus I don't drive so I was commuting for 1.5 hrs each way.

    I threw in the towel last June. I now stay at home.Until my youngest can take himself to school I can't see us being able to change anything.

    At least you are gritting your teeth and getting on with it. You sound like a grafter to me Mrs GC....I wussed out, pissed off with the juggling for no gain. It's no fun if your little lad needs shoes though is it?

    Good luck with the appeal.

  4. Yes! I hate to metion it, but i failed and was worse off than i would've been

  5. congratulations are in order to your council,

    I have no wish to pay for you to sit on your backside.

    So you think 18 hours  " work"  is enough to have the rest of us pick up the tab ?  

    I don't think it is !

    What a fantastically intelligent person Ern T sounds ( see below ), I bet you sit there all day giving us the "benefit" of your advice.

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