
Have you ever changed political parties?

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From what to what? Why?




  1. Yes.  I changed from Republican to Democrat because I've lost faith in the GOP.  I think it's a corrupt, top-heavy party and I will never support them again until they do something right for this country....and that doesn't look like it is going to happen any time soon.

    They just keep shoving the SAME stupid rhetoric at us.  I'm tired of it.  

  2. Nope, never

    I am a life long Democrat and proud of it.

  3. Yes.  When I was young and dumb I was a Republican.  Then after a bit of life experience I wised up and became a Democrat.    

  4. Was a democrat...then reality hit.  Switched to Republican...then realized the party is hijacked by ill just say conservative.

  5. I voted for Reagan the first time he ran.  I was young and stupid and have made sure that I haven't made that mistake again.

    Obama 08.

  6. why even belong to a party? all they do is diminish the election process by forcing many to vote for their party's candidate and not the best candidate

  7. No I have never changed political parties but I am seriously thinking about changing from die hard democrat to independent. I do have to admit that out of the choices we do have I choose Obama rather than McSame(McCain)

  8. I have always been a democrat, however there was a time in high school and part of college where my best friends were Republican neoconservatives. They loved to belittle anyone who opposed them, so I just sort of went along with them (I was young for the most part, but am far more forceful now), after a while I began convincing myself that I was a conservative (I compromised my own ideals to moderate myself to get along with them). I even lied to them and told them I voted to re-elect Bush in 04' when in reality I voted for Kerry.

    I wised up when I entered college, dropped my old friends and gained friends that have three digit IQs. My old friends are still delusional - they think Bush will go down as one of Americans great president and think the best way to argue politics is to emphasize Obama's middle name (they always yell "Hussein" when talking about Obama, yes it's infantile I know).

  9. I was a die-hard liberal Democrat and even worked as paid staff for Democratic political campaigns.

    Until Jimmy Carter pushed me over the edge.

    Realized that the ideas simply didn't work. Period.

    The US was doomed to failure if we stayed on the same path.

    Changed to GOP, voted for Reagan, and have never looked back.

    Can't deal with all the social conservative stuff but the economic principles are sound and the national security approach is essential to keep America and the world safe and secure.

  10. No.  I could never change as I don't identify as either Republican nor Democrat.  For one, I'm a conservative (in my views on most issues), but I don't belong to the republican party, and I never want to.  I will never join the democrat party, and view it as worse than the republican party mainly because they use their feelings, not logic, reason, or any other critical thinking ability (there are exceptions, of course, including the Republicans) to lead the country.

    Also, I am a subscriber to the belief that partisanship is bad for the country, like George Washington said those many years ago.  Because he was right with his warning.

  11. No. I still call myself a Democrat, since the Libertarians are a bit too laissez faire for my tastes. And then I vote against the fools "my" party nominates.

  12. Yes.  From republican to independent.  Now I'm switching to Libertarian.  I wanted to belong to a party that thinks.

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