
Have you ever changed your belief about the paranormal?

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If a believer were you ever a skeptic or vice versa?




  1. I've gone from maybe believing a tiny bit to not believing at all, I reached that conclusion when I realised all the intelligent well educated people on science forums thought supernatural stuff was a load of BS.


    Sorry I missed a word out. Sane.

    Intelligent, well educated and sane.

  2. I began as a believer.  When I was a kid and a young adult I would devour books on the paranormal.  You name it, I was on board as a believer.  However, at some point I chose an evidence-based life, so I could no longer ignore my sneaking suspicion that perhaps the ghost thing wasn't being represented accurately.  Now I'm more of a skeptic.  However, because I value objective evidence, I am willing to consider any and all evidence supporting the paranormal.

  3. As a child I believed any and everything. As an adult I was curious but skeptical. As of recently, I have had an experience, so yes I know the paranormal exists.

    P.S. Jonquill, I am educated and have also had an experience.

  4. I've always believed in the paranormal for as long as I can remember. I lived in a haunted house the first five years of my life. I would always wake my parents up and tell them that the angels wanted me to play with them.

  5. Lol, I used to not believe a word. Which is kinda odd, because I grew up in a place where the paranormal was accepted. But I never believed in ghosts or spirits or anything like that. I wouldn't even consider the possibilities of fairy tale creatures (dragons, unicorns, mermaids etc).

    But I went to a friends place once and everything changed. That house was strange...and haunted...badly haunted. You can't go to that girls house and not believe in the paranormal. After I opened my mind even a little, things came poring in.

    I started hearing a voice (I'm not crazy, 2 of my friends heard it too) and seeing things. I started researching things like psychic powers and powers of the mind as well as ghosts, spirit guides and all the stuff.

    Now I believe in some things I never thought I would and almost never close my mind to the other stuff I hear about.

    So I am a full on believer grown from a full on skeptic.

  6. Yes, I used to be a "believer" in things like UFO, vortexes, Nessie, ancient astronauts, and psi of various kinds.  Of course, I also used to believe in Santa Claus and the Christian God too.

    I am no longer a believer in any of the above as the evidence is completely lacking.  What most believers find convincing is easily refutable once one takes off their "belief" tinted glasses..

  7. when the laws of physics cannot describe experiences which i have shared with others, than just myself, then i begin to wonder, but i never try to reach a conclusion. what if it was like a wrinkle in the fabric of time wherein a surge of energy was present at that point in space? well just rambling......

  8. Most children,believe in the paranormal.Santa,tooth fairy,ghosts etc.Gradually as they get older and learn more about reality.They give up belief in the supernatural.Some cling to it longer then others.As a rule of thumb.If you reach adulthood and still believe.Nothing will convince you otherwise.You will remain close-minded for life.A skeptic can change their mind.All you need do is show them.Not tell them about it or swear it's true.An adult believer will rarely change their mind.

  9. I've allways believed, i used to have visions all the time, i very rarely get them now, and even more rarely rember them, i get du ja vu alot now where as before i knew when and where things would happen but then i was told off and ppl thought i was crazy so i stopped acting on what i saw and it went away for ages. now i mainly just get empathic stuff, like who is feeling what, and i can get visions of others if i'm near them when they are alone or using tarot on them and tap into them, but i'm more post than pre-cognitive. With all things i have seen and done i  have no doubt the supernatural and paranormal do exist.

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