
Have you ever cheated on your partner?

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Have you ever cheated on your partner?




  1. Never, though I've had opportunity.  I'm proud of the fact that I never will.

    But I've been cheated on twice by spouses.

  2. never have and never will

  3. huh?

  4. bit difficult when your single

  5. never! cheating is disgusting, just be single!

  6. I will never cheat on him

  7. No and we are going on 22 years together.

  8. no never have

  9. NO NEVER,!!!

  10. When i have had one no never and never thought about it, i'm very loyal to one person only.

  11. No.

  12. Cheaters=losers

    never have never will

  13. no, i have never cheated on anyone

  14. never

  15. my partner, no

    my hubby, yes!♥

  16. no never

  17. Not till now ... and dont wish to do that .... actually cant even think of it ....

  18. No

  19. Never.

  20. if u consider being on a break and being with another person cheating then yes, but never while in the relationship.

    but dont do any of that coz the later caused my life to fall appart and we eneded up breakin up coz of being with someone while on a break, trust is hard to get back so is the person u love.

    if ur not happy leave.

  21. Nope, never.

    Flirting is as far I have gone, and that has its limits!

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