
Have you ever checked your IQ (Intelligence Quotient)? Whats your score?

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Intelligence Interval Cognitive Designation

40 - 54 Severely challenged

55 - 69 Challenged

70 - 84 Below average

85 - 114 Average

115 - 129 Above average

130 - 144 Gifted

145 - 159 Genius

160 - 175 Extraordinary genius




  1. 149

    But those tests are suspicious, it seems that the Internet is full of geniuses, whenever someone asks this everyone has IQ score of 120+

  2. i took mine a long time ago, and placed up over 200.

  3. Who cares?  It doesn't measure your ability to lead a good life or to have good relationships -- or anything that really matters in life.  It doesn't even measure your potential for success because it's been shown again and again that a person with ambition, persistence and desire will win over a person with a high IQ.  So what's the point -- so you can feel superior to other people?  That's not smart.

  4. Did you know that James Woods scored 186 on Stanford-Binet?  And that James Woods had an affair with Dolly Parton?  End of discussion.

    I'm somewhere in the mid-gifted range.

  5. Yeah, few times, and I got different results, but average it's about 130

  6. 136 is My IQ test Score

    I toook it just now...

  7. I've done a few IQ tests and have received scores varying from 130-158.

    I'm just and insurance assistant and not a brain surgeon or anything, but it feels cool knowing I'm probably capable of much more.

  8. 133. Gifted ha. that really makes me feel great about myself

  9. yes and my score was 135

  10. Around 120.

  11. My score varies on different sites but my average is probably 125. I got 129 and 123 on 2 different sites.

    I think that's pretty good for me, because I'm only 13 years old.

    I'll be checking back here, because I'm pretty interested in what other people's IQ is!  

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