
Have you ever come across a mentally ill ghost/spirit?

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If people are the same when they they were when they were on earth...wouldn't they still be mentally ill after they die? (I know the skeptics will say they don't have a brain...but maybe they don't need a brain after they die.Maybe your brain is only used to hold your spirit thoughts. Maybe your body is like a toy robot and your spirit is like its battery.)




  1. Aren't they all a bit nuts?  I mean, who would choose the life of a wanderer over that of eternal peace?

  2. Yeah for a while I was repeatedly haunted by a ghost that appeared mentally ill. All he would do is walk up to me and ask me if he could borrow $3.50. I would say no.Then he would mumble something and amble off.

    At least I thought he was a ghost. It had all the characteristics of a residual haunting.

  3. Given your assumption that people are the same after they die then yes you would be correct. Many of us hope and believe that death will bring healing to our physical bodies and mental states.

    Yes, many people also believe the brain is like a TV set. In other words when a TV (or brain) is broke or turned off it no longer receives or gives out information but the TV signal/broadcast (mind) does not cease to exist just because the TV no longer picks it up.

    No, I have never myself come across or heard of a ghost that was mentally ill but then I have not researched that topic in depth. Great idea for a paper. Percentage of mentally ill ghost compared to mentally ill percentage in the general population.


  4. I think that if they do choose to be ghosts then that in itself would class them as mentally ill, whether they were like that before they died or not.

  5. Ghosts come in as many colors and flavors as people do.

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