
Have you ever come across people who are so self-absorbed, that they think everybody is jealous about them??

by  |  earlier

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what do you think about those people, and how have you/would react upon them?




  1. Hello,

    (ANS) If a person is so completely self centered & self absorbed I would probably end up feeling pretty sorry! for them.

    Why? because such a narcissistic person is probably pretty disconnected from other people, & unable to perceive other peoples reality at all, meaning they tend to have little or no empathy. And are on the whole quite selfish or often come across as quite cold emotionally, or are often very intellectual or live in their minds not in their emotions.

    **If such a person was that narcissistic that they also thought others were jealous of them, then they are probably quite paranoid to on top of everything else.

    **YES! I have met several people just like that on numerous occasions.

    Regards Ivan

  2. I let them think what they wanna think

    No one is ever gonna change there mind about how hot they are

    But every one else can see right through them.

    It'll come back and bite them on the *** one day, dont worry

    Like loseing all there "friends"

  3. I rarely have met or associated with them in the first place. If I recall, their was one person who was so absorbed, like a sponge, that she taught everybody owe her.

    Needless to say, she tried to make friends but i was never available nor interested. If you have a good mind and can appeal to mine, I will fall for you.

  4. Yes I have; I think they care for nobody but themselves.  I try would avoid those people the best way I could possibility can.

  5. "Hey! Are you talkin' about me? You're just jealous!"

    (LOL...yeah, I've met one or two. I think I married one once, too.)

  6. Oh yeah. This tutti-frutti boy at school, is a good example.

    And he was so criticizing of everything almost. He claimed he was a goody-goody Christian. His parents have a church.

    He criticized others; criticized me...

    Woe be to any woman who marries THAT clod! He had his nerves saying that he was interested in MARRYING me, when I thought he was into dudes.

    Anyone married to him, would wake up in h**l. LOL

  7. Yeah. You find that breed around high school alot.

    I just laugh.

    And laugh.

    They do not realise how absurd they are in our eyes.

    C'est La Vie.

  8. I am sooo there!! I used to  like a guy named Colin until I learned more about him and now that he knows he thinks he is supper speacil.... JERK

  9. A truly self-absorbed person wouldn't care whether or not anyone else was jealous of them.  To care about such things indicates some level of insecurity and concern for the opinion of others.

    People are rarely what they first appear to be.

  10. yes but most of the time they were right about people being jealous. that's how people are now days.

  11. I don't think of them. I have no use for them, and I don't associate with them.

  12. Ugghhh!! Those are the worst kind of people because they're too into themselves to listen to reason. I think they suffer from delusions of grandeur and will fight tooth and nail to hold onto that illusion that they're greater than they actually are. I've come across the type of people that automatically assume that if someone doesn't like them then they must be jealous. Instead of trying to figure out what it is about themselves that could turn another person off they'd rather delude themselves into thinking that they're so great that others must want to be like them. I can't see a person with healthy self-esteem doing something like this, rather a person that in all honestly knows they're not that great and tries to convince themselves and others that they are. I respond to them by bringing up their faults and letting it be known that those faults are the reason that they're disliked not their delusion of grandeur.

  13. no but I know this guy who is so self-absorbed that he thinks that every girl that looks at him is in love with him.

  14. You mean the jerks  Don't You?

  15. Actually, yes. The guy had a useless master's degree in psychology and was a bit above average height but couldn't stick with any conversation unless it centered on the stupidity of one or another individual or group. His favorite website was the Darwin Awards and he seemed borderline disturbed.

    Interesting question. Until now, I've never spoken or written of the guy though I often think back at how oddly he behaved.


  16. yes!  someone on here called "london-fem"

    all she does is post Qs with her pic and if ppl dont say she looks hot she calls them jealous

    look if you want proof look at this question from another user

    keep an eye out on beauty and style section she'll prob post some questions soon she usually does every night ive been on here

  17. Jealousy is such a weird emotion for me to understand.  

    I have come across people that I thought were so self-absorbed that I considered them narcissists.

    What I think might be going on with people who think that everyone is jealous of them is that they are probably projecting their own feelings; and in reality, are really jealous of others. Projection is a defense mechanism to protect the ego.  I would imagine that feeling pathologically jealous would be very painful on a daily basis.

    How I might react to one who thinks everyone is jealous of him/her is to steer clear of that person because I don't like to be around people who project their own issues onto me.

  18. Oh yes...they think they know it all!  These ppl are narcissistic megalomaniacs.  I avoid these ppl like the plague and secretly laugh at them.

  19. They suck. If you do anything similar to them they assume you are a copycat. I hate them with a passion.

  20. do you mean 'envious of them'?

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