
Have you ever contacted a spirit on an Ouija board?

by Guest44652  |  earlier

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A few friends of mine said they contacted an elederly spirit on an Ouija board and I don't know whether or not to beleive them. Do you think they work? What is your opinion? Earstealer help me out on this one. By the way how is cocoa?

Junior Novelist




  1. I have contacted many spirits on a quiji like board, rather a spellboard. i have contacted my decist grandmother, friend, and father. i took my finger off the planchet in all cases and let my friends power it while i asked personal questions they did not know the awnsers too. it was really moving, it made me cry. in the one where i talked to my decised friend, we had always suspected her mother of abusing and selling her, later murdering her, the actual case is still under investigation, but that proves it for me. when i was talking to my dad, i asked him to say something only i would know and he awnsered correctly, i was so happy. i think it works if you really believe, if you doubt it, it wont work properly. and you must do it with a person you trust not to move it.

  2. Stay Away From Oujia Boards (_unless_ you are in a

    properly Cast and Consecrated Circle)! The OB has no

    means of "filtering" nor allowing for Dismissal/Banishing

    of any Mischievious (or even Angry) spirit.

    Further, the current planetary "lineup" can predispose one

    to performing actions that may have unpleasant

    Repercussions for up to 4 years (Total Solar Eclipse @

    9 Leo on August 1st, Lunar Eclupse @ 24 Aquarius on

    August 16th).

  3. Yes, scariest c**p I ever did, it moved on it's own and my brother and I folded it up and threw it away.  Didn't even spend enough time to listen to it.  Last time I ever do that c**p again!

  4. Be very  careful of the Ouija board, this spirit is fooling you, and you and your friends might allowed a negative or dark spirit into your lives. Leave the Ouija board alone because it can be a portal between worlds.

  5. Yes, ouija boards perfecting works during midnights, normally in rumoured haunted apartments. It's nothing to be scared of, just social otherworldy contacts. It's only to search for spirits in that very area who wishes to communicate with you. Imagine it as a simple random contact of people in msn. All you need is a protective ritual before the connection, and a banishing spell afterwards to avoid the spirit following you.

  6. No And I don't intend to. If you were smart, you'd stay away from that board. If you want demons in your life making you miserable go for it!

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