
Have you ever continued in something in your life when you knew from day one it was going to lead you astray?

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Have you ever continued in something in your life when you knew from day one it was going to lead you astray?




  1. They call that 'marriage'.

  2. I think this is kind of Death Wish which we at times do thinking of some temporary pleasure instead of long term Happiness.

    I will relate a small incidence in my Life.

    In College Days I started smoking and AT THAT TIME  I was warned that Smoking is one of the worst habits one can have. I THOUGHT TO MYSELF and FELT This can never happen to me and I will be able to Quit Smoking at will any time I wanted

    I continued smoking for almost 20 years , I tried Quitting 8 times ( and Stayed away for 3 years , 2 years , 1 year , 6 months ..... ) But kept going back to the Habit. Now I am off for last 3 years and HOPE I can be off for ever :-)

    Moral of my little story was : When we get into something which will lead us astray We think we can always PULL BACK ; But that rarely happens , So Best is to NIP THE EVIL IN THE BUD and NOT LET IT BLOOM .

  3. You mean I wasn't supposed to???

  4. Absolutely! I am on Answers right now.

  5. Yes. I find peverse pleasure in knowing I am leading myself to self-destruction.

    Guess I should get on that.

  6. I bought a truck once that I felt was a lemon. It was.

  7. I like going astray sometimes... "off the beaten path"... as it often is a grand adventure! So... Yes! :-)

    But I must add... what i have always found, is that i am never actually "astray" in the grand scheme of things... there are only ever "coming attractions"... ;-)

    Question to CaptAnil (and all)... isn't long term happiness just infinitely expanding "temporary" pleasure? ;-)  (Oh, and I definitely love letting bud bloom =P)

  8. Only once when I was young and foolish.

    That taught me a very long and everlasting lesson .... NEVER listen to anyone when making life decisions. Listen to self and heart then follow the logical path.

  9. You mean trying to find comfort and happiness with the opposite s*x?  Yes, I've been trying that for some time now.

  10. Yes at one time but its taken care of now..

  11. Yes!  LOL!

    My wedding ceremony!  During the whole ceremony, there were some candles burning behind us.  The bottom of the candles had dropped out.  All you could hear is this constant drip!  It was like an omen!!!  This marriage was the worst!

    It lasted 8 long grueling years.  I am so happy now!  If I had not gone through those years of strife, I would probably not, trully appreciate what I have now!  :D

  12. Yes many times.

    My first arranged marriage.

    Now my second arranged marriage too.

    I never give up unless nothing is left to be given up. I trust that LIFE is beyond and much larger than all relations, religions and accidents.



  13. ummm, check my profile.

    I am very familiar with that.

    am very glad things have gotten MUCH better...


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