
Have you ever crash into a deer or something else ? and left it dead in the highway .?

by Guest34509  |  earlier

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and did you have any damage in the car from the crash




  1. I hit a dove head on once.

    I noticed that he was sweeping through the front of my car while I was doing 65 on the highway, and didn't really see him coming around the other side.

    I quickly looked at my rear-view mirror and, like a feather pillow, all the feathers showed up rustling around.

    It was quite funny.  Although I felt bad for the poor bird.

    No damage to the car, though.   So I was fine.

  2. yes it messed up my bumper

  3. I've had a deer crash into me! Seriously, I swerved and braked and he kept coming and smashed right into the side of my car. Crushed the windshield and dented the entire passenger side, the car was a write-off. The deer lived though, I saw him limping with some does the next morning on the way to work.

  4. No I haven't. If you did what would you do if the animal was still alive? Or dead?

  5. over 30 yrs of driving in a rural area ive hit several deer the most expensive one was $3200.00 damage to a 93 gmc sonoma. rolled a deer up under a ford ranger once and the local road superintendant thought a tractor trailer hit it. over the years ive noticed most of the deer i hit or have close calls with are running uphill

  6. Yes it was spectacular ,I was doing about 95mph ,and a skunk ran into the road. When I hit it ,it looked like it exploded it was great!!!

  7. Hit a dog once, no damage to car but I felt bad for quite a while

  8. yes I hit a deer and totaled my car

  9. Yep, rabbits, and birds...give to the local crows and hawks! Oh and maybe that local hillbilly can have a little roadkill stew...Yum!

  10. no i have not.  but a deer did jump into the back of my truck while i was driving;  jumped out and ran into the forest.  that was a crazy day.

  11. i was STOPPED at a stop sign and a deer ran into ME!.

    i got a dent in my car but the deer kept running

    we need flying cars

  12. I've hit 2 flying birds, a turkey, a dead deer on the highway (it had just been hit by someone else), a cat, and a dog(already dead or dying).  No damage - just some fur and skin from the deer.  Oh and a kid on a bike (but, he wasn't hurt at all - he actually laughed at me because I was freaking out about it).

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