
Have you ever cried after reading a question on YA?

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Have you ever cried after reading a question on YA?




  1. I have cried from laughing from some of them but not cried from sadness

  2. No not yet.But I wish the people who lie on here just go live in a hole.

  3. Not yet.

    I don't let strangers have that much of an impact on my life.

    I've seen some really really twisted questions on here, but it's usually from Trolls .. so I don't even play into their game.

  4. irritation, anger, rarely a smile, but till now not a tear.

    what made you ask this question?

  5. no

  6. In sadness a few times.

    I have met a lot of beautiful people on here, who I have become very attached too. I hate reading something, which I know has upset them.

    I have cried in pride over a million times, every time, my dear friend Angie shows her YouTube videos of her beautiful kids.

    Not ashamed to admit, I wear my heart on my sleeve.

  7. A couple times on those really terrible, heartbreaking questions.

  8. nope..

  9. Not normally, but one time, yes, I did. What they were saying sounded very familiar to me and my life, and some of the losses I've endured, it just really hit home for me. That was the only time, so far. There have been several questions though that I admit to really taking to heart and thinking about, and I've actually met a real friend on here. I try to be open, honest, and fair to everyone though.

  10. no have you?

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